Fast runtime with onnxruntime¶
Benchmark inference for scikit-learn models¶
What is the opset number?¶
Train and deploy a scikit-learn pipeline¶
Convert a pipeline with a LightGBM classifier¶
Intermediate results and investigation¶
Store arrays in one onnx graph¶
Black list operators when converting¶
Forward backward on a neural network on GPU¶
Train a scikit-learn neural network with onnxruntime-training on GPU¶
Modify the ONNX graph¶
Converter for WOE¶
Train a linear regression with forward backward¶
Benchmark ONNX conversion¶
Dataframe as an input¶
Funny discrepancies¶
Train a linear regression with onnxruntime-training¶
Convert a pipeline with a LightGBM regressor¶
Forward backward on a neural network on GPU (Nesterov) and penalty¶
Implement a new converter using other converters¶
One model, many possible conversions with options¶
Profile onnxruntime execution¶
Change the number of outputs by adding a parser¶
Two ways to implement a converter¶
Convert a pipeline with a XGBoost model¶
Choose appropriate output of a classifier¶
A new converter with options¶
Transfer Learning with ONNX¶
Profiling of ONNX graph with onnxruntime¶
Issues when switching to float¶
Implement a new converter¶
Benchmark onnxruntime optimization¶
Benchmark, comparison scikit-learn - forward-backward¶
Benchmark, comparison scikit-learn - onnxruntime-training¶
Benchmark operator LeakyRelu¶
Benchmark operator Slice¶
Benchmark, comparison torch - forward-backward¶
Converter for WOEEncoder from categorical_encoder¶
Benchmark onnxruntime API: run or …¶
Benchmark, comparison sklearn - forward-backward - classification¶
TfIdf and sparse matrices¶
Benchmark inference for a linear regression¶
Compares numpy to onnxruntime on simple functions¶
Fast design with a python runtime¶
Benchmark and profile of operator Slice¶
Add a parser to handle dataframes¶
Train a linear regression with onnxruntime-training on GPU in details¶
Train a linear regression with onnxruntime-training in details¶
Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery
Benchmark, comparison torch - forward-backward