ONNX ecosystem¶
Following tutorials introduce the ONNX ecosystem. It walk the user through the ONNX specficiations, how to execute an ONNX graph, how to create an ONNX graph, how to convert a model from scikit-learn, and how to train them with onnxruntime-training.
Announcing ONNX Runtime Availability in the NVIDIA Jetson Zoo for High Performance Inferencing (8/2021)
Speeding Up Deep Learning Inference Using TensorFlow, ONNX, and NVIDIA TensorRT (7/2021)
Journey to optimize large scale transformer model inference with ONNX Runtime (6/2021)
Accelerate and simplify Scikit-learn model inference with ONNX Runtime (12/2020)
Model Persistence scikit-learn and ONNX, short talk at scikit-learn foundation (2019)
Current documention of ONNX and onnxruntime¶
Most of the documentation related on onnx and onnxruntime is written on markdown. The following section is an attempt to render it and make it searchable.
Some useful pages.