Measure ONNX runtime performances#

The following example shows how to use the command line to compare one or two runtimes with scikit-learn. It relies on function validate_runtime which can be called from python or through a command line described in page Command lines.

Run the benchmark#

The following line creates a folder used to dump information about models which failed during the benchmark.

import os
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas
if not os.path.exists("dump_errors"):

The benchmark can be run with a python instruction or a command line:

python -m mlprodict validate_runtime -v 1 --out_raw data.csv --out_summary summary.csv
           -b 1 --dump_folder dump_errors --runtime python,onnxruntime1
           --models LinearRegression,DecisionTreeRegressor
           --n_features 4,10 --out_graph bench_png
           -t "{\"1\":{\"number\":10,\"repeat\":10},\"10\":{\"number\":5,\"repeat\":5}}"

We use the python instruction in this example.

from mlprodict.cli import validate_runtime

    out_raw="data.csv", out_summary="summary.csv",
    benchmark=True, dump_folder="dump_errors",
    runtime=['python', 'onnxruntime1'],
    models=['LinearRegression', 'DecisionTreeRegressor'],
    n_features=[4, 10], dtype="32",
        1: {"number": 100, "repeat": 100},
        10: {"number": 50, "repeat": 50},
        100: {"number": 40, "repeat": 50},
        1000: {"number": 40, "repeat": 40},
        10000: {"number": 20, "repeat": 20},
RT/SKL-N=1, N=10, N=100, N=1000, N=10000


time_kwargs={1: {'number': 100, 'repeat': 100}, 10: {'number': 50, 'repeat': 50}, 100: {'number': 40, 'repeat': 50}, 1000: {'number': 40, 'repeat': 40}, 10000: {'number': 20, 'repeat': 20}}
[enumerate_validated_operator_opsets] opset in [15, None].

  0%|          | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
LinearRegression            :   0%|          | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?it/s][enumerate_compatible_opset] opset in [15, None].

LinearRegression            :  50%|#####     | 1/2 [04:04<04:04, 244.75s/it]
DecisionTreeRegressor       :  50%|#####     | 1/2 [04:04<04:04, 244.75s/it][enumerate_compatible_opset] opset in [15, None].

DecisionTreeRegressor       : 100%|##########| 2/2 [05:20<00:00, 145.20s/it]
DecisionTreeRegressor       : 100%|##########| 2/2 [05:20<00:00, 160.13s/it]
Saving raw_data into 'data.csv'.
Saving summary into 'summary.csv'.
Saving graph into 'bench.png'.
findfont: Font family ['STIXGeneral'] not found. Falling back to DejaVu Sans.
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findfont: Font family ['cmex10'] not found. Falling back to DejaVu Sans.
findfont: Font family ['DejaVu Sans Display'] not found. Falling back to DejaVu Sans.

Let’s show the results.

df = pandas.read_csv("summary.csv")
0 1
name DecisionTreeRegressor DecisionTreeRegressor
problem b-reg b-reg
scenario default default
optim NaN NaN
method_name predict predict
output_index 0 0
conv_options {} {}
inst {"random_state": 42} {"random_state": 42}
n_features 4 4
runtime onnxruntime1 python
skl_version 1.0.2 1.0.2
skl_nop 1 1
skl_ncoef -1.0 -1.0
skl_nlin -1.0 -1.0
skl_nnodes 223.0 223.0
skl_ntrees 1.0 1.0
skl_max_depth 13.0 13.0
onx_size 8943 8943
onx_nnodes 1 1
onx_ninits 0 0
onx_producer_name skl2onnx skl2onnx
onx_producer_version 1.11.1 1.11.1 1 1
onx_size_optim 8943 8943
onx_nnodes_optim 1 1
onx_ninits_optim 0 0
opset15 OK 15/1 OK 15/1
RT/SKL-N=1 0.76977 0.302568
N=10 0.774605 0.312018
N=100 0.809891 2.637857
N=1000 0.598142 1.204685
N=10000 0.295705 1.32239
RT/SKL-N=1-min 0.647379 0.26759
RT/SKL-N=1-max 1.216684 0.308533
N=10-min 0.76104 0.306775
N=10-max 0.794946 0.319331
N=100-min 0.744827 0.354728
N=100-max 2.829383 37.263866
N=1000-min 0.578501 0.552649
N=1000-max 0.623824 11.460558
N=10000-min 0.28911 0.866072
N=10000-max 0.306857 3.55124

Let’s display the graph generated by the function.

img = mpimg.imread('bench.png')
fig = plt.imshow(img)
plot onnx benchmark

Total running time of the script: ( 5 minutes 29.977 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery