Command lines#
Exports an ONNX graph into a python code creating the same graph.
Investigates whether or not the decomposing einsum is faster.
Replays a benchmark of stored converted models by validate_runtime
Automatically creates an asv benchmark
The command creates a benchmark based on asv module. It does not run it.
python -m mlprodict asv_bench --models LogisticRegression,LinearRegression
python -m mlprodict asv_bench --help
usage: asv_bench [-h] [-l LOCATION] [-o OPSET_MIN] [-op OPSET_MAX]
[-d DIMS] [-n N_FEATURES] [-dt DTYPE] [-v VERBOSE] [-c CLEAN]
[--env ENV] [-ma MATRIX]
Creates an `asv` benchmark in a folder but does not run it.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
location of the benchmark (default: asvsklonnx)
-o OPSET_MIN, --opset_min OPSET_MIN
tries every conversion from this minimum opset, `-1`
to get the current opset defined by module onnx
(default: -1)
-op OPSET_MAX, --opset_max OPSET_MAX
tries every conversion up to maximum opset, `-1` to
get the current opset defined by module onnx (default:
-r RUNTIME, --runtime RUNTIME
runtime to check, *scikit-learn*, *python*,
*python_compiled* compiles the graph structure and is
more efficient when the number of observations is
small, *onnxruntime1* to check `onnxruntime`,
*onnxruntime2* to check every ONNX node independently
with onnxruntime, many runtime can be checked at the
same time if the value is a comma separated list
(default: scikit-learn,python_compiled)
-m MODELS, --models MODELS
list of models to test or empty string to test them
all (default: )
-s SKIP_MODELS, --skip_models SKIP_MODELS
models to skip (default: )
extends the list of :epkg:`scikit-learn` converters
with converters implemented in this module (default:
-d DIMS, --dims DIMS number of observations to try (default:
-n N_FEATURES, --n_features N_FEATURES
number of features to try (default: 4,20)
-dt DTYPE, --dtype DTYPE
'32' or '64' or None for both, limits the test to one
specific number types (default: )
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
integer from 0 (None) to 2 (full verbose) (default: 1)
-c CLEAN, --clean CLEAN
clean the folder first, otherwise overwrites the
content (default: True)
-f FLAT, --flat FLAT one folder for all files or subfolders (default:
-co CONF_PARAMS, --conf_params CONF_PARAMS
to overwrite some of the configuration parameters,
format ``name,value;name2,value2`` (default: )
-b BUILD, --build BUILD
location of the outputs (env, html, results) (default:
-a ADD_PYSPY, --add_pyspy ADD_PYSPY
add an extra folder with code to profile each
configuration (default: False)
--env ENV default environment or ``same`` to use the current one
(default: )
-ma MATRIX, --matrix MATRIX
specifies versions for a module as a json string,
example: ``{'onnxruntime': ['1.1.1', '1.1.2']}``, if a
package name starts with `'~'`, the package is removed
(default: )
(original entry : of mlprodict.cli.asv_bench.asv_bench, line 40)
Computes statistics on an ONNX graph
The command computes statistics on an ONNX model.
python -m mlprodict onnx_stats --help
usage: onnx_stats [-h] [-n NAME] [-o OPTIM] [-k KIND]
Computes statistics on an ONNX model.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME filename (default: None)
-o OPTIM, --optim OPTIM
computes statistics before an after optimisation was
done (default: False)
-k KIND, --kind KIND kind of statistics, if left unknown, prints out the
metadata, possible values: * `io`: prints input and
output name, type, shapes * `node`: prints the
distribution of node types * `text`: printts a text
summary (default: )
(original entry : of mlprodict.cli.optimize.onnx_stats, line 11)
Converts and compares an ONNX file
The command converts and validates a scikit-learn model. An example to check the prediction of a logistic regression.
import os
import pickle
import pandas
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from mlprodict.__main__ import main
from mlprodict.cli import convert_validate
iris = load_iris()
X, y =,
X_train, X_test, y_train, _ = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=11)
clr = LogisticRegression(), y_train)
pandas.DataFrame(X_test).to_csv("data.csv", index=False)
with open("model.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(clr, f)
And the command line to check the predictions using a command line.
convert_validate --pkl model.pkl --data data.csv
--method predict,predict_proba
--name output_label,output_probability
--verbose 1
python -m mlprodict convert_validate --help
usage: convert_validate [-h] [--pkl PKL] [-d DATA] [-s SCHEMA] [-m METHOD]
[-me METRIC] [-u USE_DOUBLE] [-no NOSHAPE] [-op OPTIM]
Converts a model stored in *pkl* file and measure the differences between the
model and the ONNX predictions.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pkl PKL pickle file (default: None)
-d DATA, --data DATA data file, loaded with pandas, converted to a single
array, the data is used to guess the schema if
*schema* not specified (default: )
-s SCHEMA, --schema SCHEMA
initial type of the model (default: )
-m METHOD, --method METHOD
method to call (default: predict)
-n NAME, --name NAME output name (default: Y)
-t TARGET_OPSET, --target_opset TARGET_OPSET
target opset (default: )
-o OUTONNX, --outonnx OUTONNX
produced ONNX model (default: model.onnx)
-r RUNTIME, --runtime RUNTIME
runtime to use to compute predictions, 'python',
'python_compiled', 'onnxruntime1' or 'onnxruntime2'
(default: python)
-me METRIC, --metric METRIC
the metric 'l1med' is given by function
:func:`measure_relative_difference <mlprodict.onnxrt.v
e>` (default: l1med)
-u USE_DOUBLE, --use_double USE_DOUBLE
use double for the runtime if possible, two possible
options, ``"float64"`` or ``'switch'``, the first
option produces an ONNX file with doubles, the second
option loads an ONNX file (float or double) and
replaces matrices in ONNX with the matrices coming
from the model, this second way is just for testing
purposes (default: )
-no NOSHAPE, --noshape NOSHAPE
run the conversion with no shape information (default:
-op OPTIM, --optim OPTIM
applies optimisations on the first ONNX graph, use
'onnx' to reduce the number of node Identity and
redundant subgraphs (default: onnx)
-re REWRITE_OPS, --rewrite_ops REWRITE_OPS
rewrites some converters from :epkg:`sklearn-onnx`
(default: True)
-opt OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS
additional options for conversion, dictionary as a
string (default: )
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
verbose level (default: 1)
-reg REGISTER, --register REGISTER
registers additional converters implemented by this
package (default: True)
(original entry : of mlprodict.cli.convert_validate.convert_validate, line 37)
Converts asv results into csv
The command converts asv results into csv.
python -m mlprodict asv2csv -f <folder> -o result.csv
python -m mlprodict asv2csv--help
Command not found: 'asv2csv--help'.
Available commands:
asv2csv Converts results produced by :epkg:`asv` into :epkg:`csv`.
asv_bench Creates an :epkg:`asv` benchmark in a folder
benchmark_doc Runs the benchmark published into the documentation
benchmark_replay The command rerun a benchmark if models were stored by
convert_validate Converts a model stored in *pkl* file and measure the differences
dynamic_doc Generates the documentation for ONNX operators.
einsum_test Investigates whether or not the decomposing einsum is faster.
latency Measures the latency of a model (python API).
onnx_code Exports an ONNX graph into a python code creating
onnx_optim Optimizes an ONNX model.
onnx_stats Computes statistics on an ONNX model.
plot_onnx Plots an ONNX graph on the standard output.
validate_runtime Walks through most of :epkg:`scikit-learn` operators
(original entry : of mlprodict.cli.asv2csv.asv2csv, line 11)
Exports an ONNX graph into a python code creating the same graph.
The command converts an ONNX graph into a python code generating the same graph. The python code may use onnx syntax, numpy syntax or tf2onnx syntax.
python -m mlprodict onnx_code --filename="something.onnx" --format=onnx
python -m mlprodict onnx_code --help
usage: onnx_code [-h] [-f FILENAME] [-fo FORMAT] [-o OUTPUT] [-v VERBOSE]
[-n NAME] [-op OPSET]
Exports an ONNX graph into a python code creating the same graph.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
onnx file (default: None)
-fo FORMAT, --format FORMAT
format to export too (`onnx`, `tf2onnx`, `numpy`)
(default: onnx)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file to produce or None to print it on stdout
(default: )
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
verbosity level (default: 0)
-n NAME, --name NAME rewrite the graph name (default: )
-op OPSET, --opset OPSET
overwrite the opset (may not works depending on the
format) (default: )
(original entry : of mlprodict.cli.onnx_code.onnx_code, line 12)
Investigates whether or not the decomposing einsum is faster.
The command checks whether or not decomposing an einsum function is faster than einsum implementation.
python -m mlprodict einsum_test --equation="abc,cd->abd" --output=res.csv
python -m mlprodict einsum_test --help
usage: einsum_test [-h] [-e EQUATION] [-s SHAPE] [-p PERM] [-r RUNTIME]
Investigates whether or not the decomposing einsum is faster.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e EQUATION, --equation EQUATION
einsum equation to test (default: abc,cd->abd)
-s SHAPE, --shape SHAPE
an integer (all dimension gets the same size) or a
list of shapes in a string separated with `;`) or a
list of integer to try out multiple shapes, example:
`5`, `(5,5,5),(5,5)`, `5,6` (default: 30)
-p PERM, --perm PERM check on permutation or all letter permutations
(default: False)
-r RUNTIME, --runtime RUNTIME
`'numpy'`, `'python'`, `'onnxruntime'` (default:
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
verbose (default: 1)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file (usually a csv file or an excel file), it
requires pandas (default: )
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
usual parameter to measure a function (default: 5)
-re REPEAT, --repeat REPEAT
usual parameter to measure a function (default: 5)
(original entry : of mlprodict.cli.einsum.einsum_test, line 17)
Measures model latency
The command generates random inputs and call many times the model on these inputs. It returns the processing time for one iteration.
python -m mlprodict latency --model "model.onnx"
python -m mlprodict latency --help
usage: latency [-h] [-m MODEL] [--law LAW] [-s SIZE] [-n NUMBER] [-r REPEAT]
[-ma MAX_TIME] [-ru RUNTIME] [-d DEVICE] [--fmt FMT]
Measures the latency of a model (python API).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
ONNX graph (default: None)
--law LAW random law used to generate fake inputs (default:
-s SIZE, --size SIZE batch size, it replaces the first dimension of every
input if it is left unknown (default: 1)
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
number of calls to measure (default: 10)
-r REPEAT, --repeat REPEAT
number of times to repeat the experiment (default: 10)
-ma MAX_TIME, --max_time MAX_TIME
if it is > 0, it runs as many time during that period
of time (default: 0)
-ru RUNTIME, --runtime RUNTIME
available runtime (default: onnxruntime)
-d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
device, `cpu`, `cuda:0` or a list of providers
`CPUExecutionProvider, CUDAExecutionProvider (default:
--fmt FMT None or `csv`, it then returns a string formatted like
a csv file (default: )
if True, profile the execution of every node, if can
be sorted by name or type, the value for this
parameter should e in `(None, 'name', 'type')`
(default: )
output name for the profiling if profiling is
specified (default: profiling.csv)
(original entry : of mlprodict.cli.validate.latency, line 22)
Measures model latency
The command generates random inputs and call many times the model on these inputs. It returns the processing time for one iteration.
python -m mlprodict latency --model "model.onnx"
python -m mlprodict latency --help
usage: latency [-h] [-m MODEL] [--law LAW] [-s SIZE] [-n NUMBER] [-r REPEAT]
[-ma MAX_TIME] [-ru RUNTIME] [-d DEVICE] [--fmt FMT]
Measures the latency of a model (python API).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
ONNX graph (default: None)
--law LAW random law used to generate fake inputs (default:
-s SIZE, --size SIZE batch size, it replaces the first dimension of every
input if it is left unknown (default: 1)
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
number of calls to measure (default: 10)
-r REPEAT, --repeat REPEAT
number of times to repeat the experiment (default: 10)
-ma MAX_TIME, --max_time MAX_TIME
if it is > 0, it runs as many time during that period
of time (default: 0)
-ru RUNTIME, --runtime RUNTIME
available runtime (default: onnxruntime)
-d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
device, `cpu`, `cuda:0` or a list of providers
`CPUExecutionProvider, CUDAExecutionProvider (default:
--fmt FMT None or `csv`, it then returns a string formatted like
a csv file (default: )
if True, profile the execution of every node, if can
be sorted by name or type, the value for this
parameter should e in `(None, 'name', 'type')`
(default: )
output name for the profiling if profiling is
specified (default: profiling.csv)
(original entry : of mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_latency.latency, line 19)
Optimizes an ONNX graph
The command optimizes an ONNX model.
python -m mlprodict onnx_optim --help
usage: onnx_optim [-h] [-n NAME] [-o OUTFILE] [-r RECURSIVE] [-op OPTIONS]
Optimizes an ONNX model.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME filename (default: None)
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
output filename (default: )
processes the main graph and the subgraphs (default:
-op OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS
options, kind of optimize to do (default: )
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
display statistics before and after the optimisation
(default: 0)
(original entry : of mlprodict.cli.optimize.onnx_optim, line 10)
Plots an ONNX graph as text
The command shows the ONNX graphs as a text on the standard output.
python -m mlprodict plot_onnx --filename="something.onnx" --format=simple
python -m mlprodict plot_onnx --help
usage: plot_onnx [-h] [-f FILENAME] [-fo FORMAT] [-v VERBOSE] [-o OUTPUT]
Plots an ONNX graph on the standard output.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
onnx file (default: None)
-fo FORMAT, --format FORMAT
format to export too (`simple`, `tree`, `dot`, `io`,
`mat`, `raw`) (default: onnx)
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
verbosity level (default: 0)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file to produce or None to print it on stdout
(default: )
(original entry : of mlprodict.cli.onnx_code.plot_onnx, line 10)
Replays a benchmark of stored converted models by validate_runtime
The command rerun a benchmark if models were stored by command line vaidate_runtime.
python -m mlprodict benchmark_replay --folder dumped --out bench_results.xlsx
Parameter --time_kwargs
may be used to reduce or increase
bencharmak precisions. The following value tells the function
to run a benchmarks with datasets of 1 or 10 number, to repeat
a given number of time number predictions in one row.
The total time is divided by .
may be used to increase these
number for some specific models. 'lin'
by 10 number when the model is linear.
-t "{\"1\":{\"number\":10,\"repeat\":10},\"10\":{\"number\":5,\"repeat\":5}}"
python -m mlprodict benchmark_replay --help
usage: benchmark_replay [-h] [-f FOLDER] [-r RUNTIME] [-t TIME_KWARGS]
[-tim TIME_LIMIT] [--out OUT] [-v VERBOSE]
The command rerun a benchmark if models were stored by command line
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
where to find pickled files (default: None)
-r RUNTIME, --runtime RUNTIME
runtimes, comma separated list (default: python)
-t TIME_KWARGS, --time_kwargs TIME_KWARGS
a dictionary which defines the number of rows and the
parameter *number* and *repeat* when benchmarking a
model, the value must follow `json` format (default: )
-s SKIP_LONG_TEST, --skip_long_test SKIP_LONG_TEST
skips tests for high values of N if they seem too long
(default: True)
-ti TIME_KWARGS_FACT, --time_kwargs_fact TIME_KWARGS_FACT
to multiply number and repeat in *time_kwargs*
depending on the model (see
:func:`_multiply_time_kwargs <mlprodict.onnxrt.validat
e.validate_helper._multiply_time_kwargs>`) (default: )
-tim TIME_LIMIT, --time_limit TIME_LIMIT
to stop benchmarking after this limit of time
(default: 4)
--out OUT output raw results into this file (excel format)
(default: )
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
integer from 0 (None) to 2 (full verbose) (default: 1)
(original entry : of mlprodict.cli.replay.benchmark_replay, line 19)
Validates a runtime against scikit-learn
The command walks through all scikit-learn operators, tries to convert them, checks the predictions, and produces a report.
python -m mlprodict validate_runtime --models LogisticRegression,LinearRegression
Following example benchmarks models sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor, sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeRegressor, it compares onnxruntime against scikit-learn for opset 10.
python -m mlprodict validate_runtime -v 1 -o 10 -op 10 -c 1 -r onnxruntime1
-m RandomForestRegressor,DecisionTreeRegressor -out bench_onnxruntime.xlsx -b 1
Parameter --time_kwargs
may be used to reduce or increase
bencharmak precisions. The following value tells the function
to run a benchmarks with datasets of 1 or 10 number, to repeat
a given number of time number predictions in one row.
The total time is divided by .
may be used to increase these
number for some specific models. 'lin'
by 10 number when the model is linear.
-t "{\"1\":{\"number\":10,\"repeat\":10},\"10\":{\"number\":5,\"repeat\":5}}"
The following example dumps every model in the list:
python -m mlprodict validate_runtime --out_raw raw.csv --out_summary sum.csv
--models LinearRegression,LogisticRegression,DecisionTreeRegressor,DecisionTreeClassifier
-r python,onnxruntime1 -o 10 -op 10 -v 1 -b 1 -dum 1
-du model_dump -n 20,100,500 --out_graph benchmark.png --dtype 32
The command line generates a graph produced by function
python -m mlprodict validate_runtime --help
usage: validate_runtime [-h] [-v VERBOSE] [-o OPSET_MIN] [-op OPSET_MAX]
[--out_graph OUT_GRAPH] [-f FORCE_RETURN] [-dt DTYPE]
Walks through most of :epkg:`scikit-learn` operators or model or predictor or
transformer, tries to convert them into `ONNX` and computes the predictions
with a specific runtime.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
integer from 0 (None) to 2 (full verbose) (default: 1)
-o OPSET_MIN, --opset_min OPSET_MIN
tries every conversion from this minimum opset, -1 to
get the current opset (default: -1)
-op OPSET_MAX, --opset_max OPSET_MAX
tries every conversion up to maximum opset, -1 to get
the current opset (default: )
to check the runtime and not only the conversion
(default: True)
-r RUNTIME, --runtime RUNTIME
runtime to check, python, onnxruntime1 to check
`onnxruntime`, onnxruntime2 to check every *ONNX* node
independently with onnxruntime, many runtime can be
checked at the same time if the value is a comma
separated list (default: python)
-d DEBUG, --debug DEBUG
stops whenever an exception is raised, only if
*separate_process* is False (default: False)
-m MODELS, --models MODELS
comma separated list of models to test or empty string
to test them all (default: )
-ou OUT_RAW, --out_raw OUT_RAW
output raw results into this file (excel format)
(default: model_onnx_raw.xlsx)
-out OUT_SUMMARY, --out_summary OUT_SUMMARY
output an aggregated view into this file (excel
format) (default: model_onnx_summary.xlsx)
-du DUMP_FOLDER, --dump_folder DUMP_FOLDER
folder where to dump information (pickle) in case of
mismatch (default: )
-dum DUMP_ALL, --dump_all DUMP_ALL
dumps all models, not only the failing ones (default:
run benchmark (default: False)
catch warnings (default: True)
See `config_context <
odules/generated/sklearn.config_context.html>`_, If
True, validation for finiteness will be skipped,
saving time, but leading to potential crashes. If
False, validation for finiteness will be performed,
avoiding error. (default: True)
-ve VERSIONS, --versions VERSIONS
add columns with versions of used packages, `numpy`,
:epkg:`scikit-learn`, `onnx`, `onnxruntime`,
:epkg:`sklearn-onnx` (default: False)
-s SKIP_MODELS, --skip_models SKIP_MODELS
models to skip (default: )
extends the list of :epkg:`scikit-learn` converters
with converters implemented in this module (default:
run every model in a separate process, this option
must be used to run all model in one row even if one
of them is crashing (default: False)
-t TIME_KWARGS, --time_kwargs TIME_KWARGS
a dictionary which defines the number of rows and the
parameter *number* and *repeat* when benchmarking a
model, the value must follow `json` format (default: )
-n N_FEATURES, --n_features N_FEATURES
change the default number of features for a specific
problem, it can also be a comma separated list
(default: )
--out_graph OUT_GRAPH
image name, to output a graph which summarizes a
benchmark in case it was run (default: )
-f FORCE_RETURN, --force_return FORCE_RETURN
forces the function to return the results, used when
the results are produces through a separate process
(default: False)
-dt DTYPE, --dtype DTYPE
'32' or '64' or None for both, limits the test to one
specific number types (default: )
-sk SKIP_LONG_TEST, --skip_long_test SKIP_LONG_TEST
skips tests for high values of N if they seem too long
(default: False)
-nu NUMBER, --number NUMBER
to multiply number values in *time_kwargs* (default:
-re REPEAT, --repeat REPEAT
to multiply repeat values in *time_kwargs* (default:
-ti TIME_KWARGS_FACT, --time_kwargs_fact TIME_KWARGS_FACT
to multiply number and repeat in *time_kwargs*
depending on the model (see
:func:`_multiply_time_kwargs <mlprodict.onnxrt.validat
e.validate_helper._multiply_time_kwargs>`) (default:
-tim TIME_LIMIT, --time_limit TIME_LIMIT
to stop benchmarking after this limit of time
(default: 4)
-n_ N_JOBS, --n_jobs N_JOBS
force the number of jobs to have this value, by
default, it is equal to the number of CPU (default: 0)
(original entry : of mlprodict.cli.validate.validate_runtime, line 66)