Notebook Gallery#
- Converts a logistic regression into C
- Discrepencies with ONNX
- Einsum decomposition
- Fast TopK elements
- Infer operator computation cost
- Introduction to a numpy API for ONNX: CustomClassifier
- Introduction to a numpy API for ONNX: FunctionTransformer
- Lightgbm, double, discrepencies
- Loss function in ONNX
- Memory usage
- ONNX and FFT
- ONNX graph, single or double floats
- ONNX side by side
- ONNX visualization
- Pairwise distances with ONNX (pdist)
- Precision loss due to float32 conversion with ONNX
- Profiling with onnxruntime
- Time processing for every ONNX nodes in a graph
- Transfer Learning with ONNX
- Tricky detail when converting a random forest from scikit-learn into ONNX