class |
class parent |
truncated documentation |
Abs === Absolute takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the absolute is, y = … |
Acos ==== Calculates the arccosine (inverse of cosine) of the given input tensor, element-wise. Inputs |
Acosh ===== Calculates the hyperbolic arccosine of the given input tensor element-wise. Inputs |
Add === Performs element-wise binary addition (with Numpy-style broadcasting support). This operator supports **multidirectional … |
Structure which contains the necessary information to display a graph using an adjacency matrix. |
And === Returns the tensor resulted from performing the and logical operation elementwise on the input tensors A and … |
ArgMax ====== Computes the indices of the max elements of the input tensor’s element along the provided axis. The resulting … |
ArgMax ====== Computes the indices of the max elements of the input tensor’s element along the provided axis. The resulting … |
ArgMin ====== Computes the indices of the min elements of the input tensor’s element along the provided axis. The resulting … |
ArgMin ====== Computes the indices of the min elements of the input tensor’s element along the provided axis. The resulting … |
ArrayFeatureExtractor ( ================================== Select elements of the input tensor based on the … |
Mocks an array without changing the data it receives. Notebooks Time processing for every ONNX nodes in a graph illustrates the weaknesses … |
Asin ==== Calculates the arcsine (inverse of sine) of the given input tensor, element-wise. Inputs |
Asinh ===== Calculates the hyperbolic arcsine of the given input tensor element-wise. Inputs |
Atan ==== Calculates the arctangent (inverse of tangent) of the given input tensor, element-wise. Inputs |
Atanh ===== Calculates the hyperbolic arctangent of the given input tensor element-wise. Inputs |
Class wrapping a function to make it simple as a parameter. |
Extends the API to automatically look for exporters. |
Extends the API to automatically look for exporters. |
AveragePool =========== AveragePool consumes an input tensor X and applies average pooling across the tensor according … |
Base class to |
BatchNormalization ================== Carries out batch normalization as described in the paper … |
BatchNormalization ================== Carries out batch normalization as described in the paper … |
Bernoulli ========= Draws binary random numbers (0 or 1) from a Bernoulli distribution. The input tensor should be a tensor … |
BiGraph representation. |
Binarizer ( ====================== Maps the values of the input tensor to either 0 or 1, element-wise, based … |
BitShift ======== Bitwise shift operator performs element-wise operation. For each input element, if the attribute “direction” … |
BroadcastGradientArgs (mlprodict) ================================= Version Onnx name: BroadcastGradientArgs … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
CDist (mlprodict) ================= Version Onnx name: CDist … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
Stores all the necessary information to cache the preprocessing of a an einsum equation. |
Cast ==== The operator casts the elements of a given input tensor to a data type specified by the ‘to’ argument and returns … |
CastLike ======== The operator casts the elements of a given input tensor (the first input) to the same data type as the … |
CategoryMapper ( =========================== Converts strings to integers and vice versa. Two sequences of … |
Ceil ==== Ceil takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the ceil is, y = ceil(x), … |
Celu ==== Continuously Differentiable Exponential Linear Units: Perform the linear unit element-wise on the input tensor … |
Clip ==== Clip operator limits the given input within an interval. The interval is specified by the inputs ‘min’ and ‘max’. … |
Clip ==== Clip operator limits the given input within an interval. The interval is specified by the inputs ‘min’ and ‘max’. … |
Defines a visitor which walks though the syntax tree of the code. |
Visits the code, implements verification rules. |
Class which converts a Python function into something else. It must implements methods visit and depart. |
Runtime for operator Split. |
Raised when a compilation error was detected. |
ComplexAbs (mlprodict) ====================== Version Onnx name: ComplexAbs … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
Compress ======== Selects slices from an input tensor along a given axis where condition evaluates to True for each axis … |
Concat ====== Concatenate a list of tensors into a single tensor. All input tensors must have the same shape, except for … |
ConcatFromSequence ================== Concatenate a sequence of tensors into a single tensor. All input tensors must have … |
ConstantOfShape =============== Generate a tensor with given value and shape. Attributes |
Constant ======== This operator produces a constant tensor. Exactly one of the provided attributes, either value, sparse_value, … |
Constant ======== This operator produces a constant tensor. Exactly one of the provided attributes, either value, sparse_value, … |
Conv ==== The convolution operator consumes an input tensor and a filter, and computes the output. Attributes |
Implements float runtime for operator Conv. The code is inspired from … |
Implements float runtime for operator Conv. The code is inspired from … |
ConvTranspose ============= The convolution transpose operator consumes an input tensor and a filter, and computes the … |
Implements float runtime for operator Conv. The code is inspired from … |
Implements float runtime for operator Conv. The code is inspired from … |
Cos === Calculates the cosine of the given input tensor, element-wise. Inputs |
Cosh ==== Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the given input tensor element-wise. Inputs |
CumSum ====== Performs cumulative sum of the input elements along the given axis. By default, it will do the sum inclusively … |
Wraps a scoring function into a transformer. Function @see fn register_scorers must be called to register the converter … |
DEBUG (mlprodict) ================= Version Onnx name: DEBUG … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
Default value for parameters when the parameter is not set but the operator has a default behaviour for it. |
DequantizeLinear ================ The linear dequantization operator. It consumes a quantized tensor, a scale, and a zero … |
Det === Det calculates determinant of a square matrix or batches of square matrices. Det takes one input tensor of shape … |
Wrapper around a |
DictVectorizer ( =========================== Uses an index mapping to convert a dictionary to an array. Given … |
One dimension of a shape. |
Div === Performs element-wise binary division (with Numpy-style broadcasting support). This operator supports **multidirectional … |
Dropout ======= Dropout takes an input floating-point tensor, an optional input ratio (floating-point scalar) and an optional … |
Dropout ======= Dropout takes an input floating-point tensor, an optional input ratio (floating-point scalar) and an optional … |
Einsum ====== An einsum of the form |
Defines a sub operation used in Einsum decomposition. |
Elu === Elu takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the function f(x) = alpha * (exp(x) - 1.) for x < 0, … |
Equal ===== Returns the tensor resulted from performing the equal logical operation elementwise on the input tensors … |
Erf === Computes the error function of the given input tensor element-wise. Inputs |
Exp === Calculates the exponential of the given input tensor, element-wise. Inputs |
Expand ====== Broadcast the input tensor following the given shape and the broadcast rule. The broadcast rule is similar … |
Expand ====== Broadcast the input tensor following the given shape and the broadcast rule. The broadcast rule is similar … |
Expected failure. |
EyeLike ======= Generate a 2D tensor (matrix) with ones on the diagonal and zeros everywhere else. Only 2D tensors are … |
FFT (mlprodict) =============== Version Onnx name: FFT … |
FFT2D (mlprodict) ================= Version Onnx name: FFT2D … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
Identifies a version of a function based on its arguments and its parameters. |
Very similar to |
Flatten ======= Flattens the input tensor into a 2D matrix. If input tensor has shape (d_0, d_1, . |
Raised when a float is out of range and cannot be converted into a float32. |
Floor ===== Floor takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the floor is, y = floor(x), … |
FusedMatMul (mlprodict) ======================= Version Onnx name: FusedMatMul … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
Wraps GPT2Tokenizer … |
Gather ====== Given data tensor of rank r >= 1, and indices tensor of rank q, gather entries of the axis dimension … |
Implements runtime for operator Gather. The code is inspired from … |
GatherElements ============== GatherElements takes two inputs data and indices of the same rank r >= 1 and an optional … |
Implements runtime for operator Gather. The code is inspired from … |
Implements runtime for operator Gather. The code is inspired from … |
Gemm ==== General Matrix multiplication: A’ = transpose(A) … |
GlobalAveragePool ================= GlobalAveragePool consumes an input tensor X and applies average pooling across the … |
Helpers to build graph. |
Class gathering all nodes produced to explicit einsum operators. |
Greater ======= Returns the tensor resulted from performing the greater logical operation elementwise on the input tensors … |
GreaterOrEqual ============== Returns the tensor resulted from performing the greater_equal logical operation elementwise … |
HardSigmoid =========== HardSigmoid takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the … |
Hardmax ======= The operator computes the hardmax values for the given input: Hardmax(element in input, axis) = 1 if … |
Identity ======== Identity operator Inputs |
If == If conditional Attributes |
Raised if the code shows errors. |
Imputer ( ==================== Replaces inputs that equal one value with another, leaving all other elements … |
Wrappers around InferenceSession from onnxruntime. |
Overwrites class InferenceSession to capture the standard output and error. |
Instance of |
IsInf ===== Map infinity to true and other values to false. Attributes |
IsNaN ===== Returns which elements of the input are NaN. Inputs |
LabelEncoder ( ========================= Maps each element in the input tensor to another value. The mapping … |
LeakyRelu ========= LeakyRelu takes input data (Tensor<T>) and an argument alpha, and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) … |
Less ==== Returns the tensor resulted from performing the less logical operation elementwise on the input tensors A … |
LessOrEqual =========== Returns the tensor resulted from performing the less_equal logical operation elementwise on … |
LinearClassifier ( ============================= Linear classifier Attributes |
LinearRegressor ( ============================ Generalized linear regression evaluation. If targets is set … |
Log === Calculates the natural log of the given input tensor, element-wise. Inputs |
LogSoftmax ========== The operator computes the log of softmax values for the given input: LogSoftmax(input, axis) = … |
Loop ==== Generic Looping construct. This loop has multiple termination conditions: 1) Trip count. Iteration count specified … |
LpNormalization =============== Given a matrix, apply Lp-normalization along the provided axis. Attributes |
Base class for every action. |
Addition |
Any binary operation. |
Cast into another type. |
Concatenate number of arrays into an array. |
Constant |
A function. |
Any function call. |
Addition |
Returns a results. |
Sign of an expression: 1=positive, 0=negative. |
Tensor addition. |
Tensor division. |
Scalar product. |
Tensor multiplication. |
Tensor soustraction. |
Extracts an element of the tensor. |
Tensor operation. |
Operator |
Operator |
Any binary operation. |
Variable. The constant is only needed to guess the variable type. |
Base class for every machine learned model |
Base class for numerical types. |
A numpy.bool. |
A numpy.float32. |
A numpy.float64. |
A numpy.int32. |
A numpy.int64. |
int32 or float32 |
Defines a tensor with a dimension and a single type for what it contains. |
Base class for every type. |
MatMul ====== Matrix product that behaves like numpy.matmul: … |
Max === Element-wise max of each of the input tensors (with Numpy-style broadcasting support). All inputs and outputs … |
MaxPool ======= MaxPool consumes an input tensor X and applies max pooling across the tensor according to kernel sizes, … |
Implements float runtime for operator Conv. The code is inspired from … |
Implements float runtime for operator Conv. The code is inspired from … |
Mean ==== Element-wise mean of each of the input tensors (with Numpy-style broadcasting support). All inputs and outputs … |
Min === Element-wise min of each of the input tensors (with Numpy-style broadcasting support). All inputs and outputs … |
Missing operator. |
Raised when a variable is missing. |
A string. |
A string and a shape. |
A string and a shape and a type. |
Mocked lightgbm. |
Mod === Performs element-wise binary modulus (with Numpy-style broadcasting support). The sign of the remainder is the … |
Mul === Performs element-wise binary multiplication (with Numpy-style broadcasting support). This operator supports **multidirectional … |
Class used to return multiple |
Used to annotation ONNX numpy functions. |
Shortcut to simplify signature description. |
Shortcut to simplify signature description. |
Shortcut to simplify signature description. |
Shortcut to simplify signature description. |
Neg === Neg takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where each element flipped sign, … |
Python runtime for function NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss. |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
Defines a result name for a node. |
Normalizer ( ======================= Normalize the input. There are three normalization modes, which have … |
Not === Returns the negation of the input tensor element-wise. Inputs |
Converts an ONNX operators into numpy code. |
ONNX specifications does not mention the possibility to change the output type, sparse, dense, float, double. … |
Expected failure. |
Raised when onnxruntime or mlprodict does not implement a new operator defined in the latest onnx. … |
Definition of a backend test. It starts with a folder, in this folder, one onnx file must be there, then a subfolder … |
Defines a custom operator for BroadcastGradientArgs. Returns the reduction axes for computing gradients of s0 op s1 … |
Defines a custom operator for BroadcastGradientArgs. Returns the reduction axes for computing gradients of s0 op s1 … |
Defines a custom operator for ComplexAbs. |
Defines a custom operator for ComplexAbs. |
Defines a custom operator for FFT2D. |
Defines a custom operator for FFT2D. |
Defines a custom operator for FFT. |
Defines a custom operator for FFT. |
MatMul and Gemm without a C. |
MatMul and Gemm without a C. |
Loads an ONNX file or object or stream. Computes the output of the ONNX graph. Several runtimes … |
onnxruntime API |
ONNX backend following the pattern from onnx/backend/ … |
Same backend as @see cl OnnxInferenceBackend but runtime is @see cl OnnxMicroRuntime. |
Same backend as @see cl OnnxInferenceBackend but runtime is onnxruntime1. |
Same backend as @see cl OnnxInferenceBackend but runtime is python_compiled. |
Same backend as @see cl OnnxInferenceBackend but runtime is @see cl OnnxShapeInference. |
Computes the prediction for an ONNX graph loaded with @see cl OnnxInference. |
Same backend as @see cl OnnxInferenceBackend but runtime is @see cl OnnxShapeInference. |
Implements methods to export a instance of |
A node to execute. |
Describes a result type. |
Automatically creating all operators from onnx packages takes time. That’s why function |
Implements a micro runtime for ONNX graphs. It does not implements all the operator types. |
Defines magic commands to help with notebooks |
Implements a class which runs onnx graph. |
Class wrapping a function build with |
Overwrites |
Overwrites |
Ancestor to every ONNX operator exposed in |
Base class for |
This operator is used to insert existing ONNX function into the ONNX graph being built. |
Accessor to one of the output returned by a |
Class used to return multiple |
The pipeline overwrites method fit, it trains and converts every steps into ONNX before training the next step … |
Defines a custom operator for FFT. |
Defines a custom operator for FFT. |
Raised when a new operator was added but cannot be found. |
Implements a micro runtime for ONNX graphs. It does not implements all the operator types. |
Gradient of Softmax. SoftmaxGrad computes |
Gradient of Softmax. SoftmaxGrad computes |
Trains with scikit-learn, transform with ONNX. |
Trains with scikit-learn, transform with ONNX. |
Trains with scikit-learn, transform with ONNX. |
Trains with scikit-learn, transform with ONNX. |
This operator is used to call the converter of a model to insert the node coming from the conversion into a bigger … |
This operator is used to insert existing ONNX into the ONNX graph being built. |
Defines a custom operator not defined by ONNX specifications but in onnxruntime. |
Defines a custom operator not defined by ONNX specifications but in onnxruntime. |
Calls onnxruntime or the runtime implemented in this package to transform input based on a ONNX graph. It … |
Class which converts a Python function into an ONNX function. It must implements methods visit and depart. … |
Variables used into onnx computation. |
Overloads |
Runs the prediction for a single ONNX, it lets the runtime handle the graph logic as well. |
Defines a custom operator for YieldOp. |
Defines a custom operator for YieldOp. |
Ancestor to all operators in this subfolder. The runtime for every node can checked into ONNX unit tests. … |
Ancestor to all unary operators in this subfolder and which produces position of extremas (ArgMax, …). Checks … |
Ancestor to all binary operators in this subfolder. Checks that inputs type are the same. |
Ancestor to all binary operators in this subfolder comparing tensors. |
Ancestor to all binary operators in this subfolder. Checks that inputs type are the same. |
Implements the inplaces logic. numpy_fct is a binary numpy function which takes two matrices and has a argument … |
Ancestor to all binary operators in this subfolder. Checks that inputs type are the same. |
Automates some methods for custom operators defined outside mlprodict. |
Unique operator for an empty runtime. |
Unique operator which calls onnxruntime to compute predictions for one operator. |
Implements the reduce logic. It must have a parameter axes. |
Ancestor to all unary operators in this subfolder. Checks that inputs type are the same. |
Ancestor to all unary and numerical operators in this subfolder. Checks that inputs type are the same. |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
Or == Returns the tensor resulted from performing the or logical operation elementwise on the input tensors A and … |
Instance of |
PRelu ===== PRelu takes input data (Tensor<T>) and slope tensor as input, and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where … |
Pad === Given a tensor containing the data to be padded (data), a tensor containing the number of start and end pad … |
Pow === Pow takes input data (Tensor<T>) and exponent Tensor, and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the function … |
QLinearConv =========== The convolution operator consumes a quantized input tensor, its scale and zero point, a quantized … |
Implements int8 runtime for operator QLinearConv. The code is inspired from … |
Implements uint8 runtime for operator QLinearConvUInt8. The code is inspired from … |
QuantizeLinear ============== The linear quantization operator. It consumes a high precision tensor, a scale, and a zero … |
Instantiates a quantized tensor (uint8) with bias from a float tensor. |
Instantiates a quantized tensor (uint8) from a float tensor. |
RFFT (mlprodict) ================ Version Onnx name: RFFT … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
RNN === Computes an one-layer simple RNN. This operator is usually supported via some custom implementation such as CuDNN. … |
RNN === Computes an one-layer simple RNN. This operator is usually supported via some custom implementation such as CuDNN. … |
RandomNormal ============ Generate a tensor with random values drawn from a normal distribution. The shape of the tensor … |
RandomNormalLike ================ Generate a tensor with random values drawn from a normal distribution. The shape of … |
RandomUniform ============= Generate a tensor with random values drawn from a uniform distribution. The shape of the tensor … |
RandomUniformLike ================= Generate a tensor with random values drawn from a uniform distribution. The shape … |
Range ===== Generate a tensor containing a sequence of numbers that begin at start and extends by increments of delta … |
Reciprocal ========== Reciprocal takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the reciprocal … |
ReduceL1 ======== Computes the L1 norm of the input tensor’s element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has … |
ReduceL2 ======== Computes the L2 norm of the input tensor’s element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has … |
ReduceLogSum ============ Computes the log sum of the input tensor’s element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor … |
ReduceLogSumExp =============== Computes the log sum exponent of the input tensor’s element along the provided axes. The … |
ReduceMax ========= Computes the max of the input tensor’s element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the … |
ReduceMean ========== Computes the mean of the input tensor’s element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has … |
ReduceMin ========= Computes the min of the input tensor’s element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the … |
ReduceProd ========== Computes the product of the input tensor’s element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor … |
ReduceSumSquare =============== Computes the sum square of the input tensor’s element along the provided axes. The resulted … |
ReduceSum ========= Computes the sum of the input tensor’s element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the … |
ReduceSum ========= Computes the sum of the input tensor’s element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the … |
Relu ==== Relu takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the rectified linear function, … |
Reshape ======= Reshape the input tensor similar to numpy.reshape. First input is the data tensor, second input is a shape … |
Reshape ======= Reshape the input tensor similar to numpy.reshape. First input is the data tensor, second input is a shape … |
Round ===== Round takes one input Tensor and rounds the values, element-wise, meaning it finds the nearest integer for … |
Raised when the results are too different from scikit-learn. |
Implements runtime for operator SVMClassifierDouble. The code is inspired from … |
Implements runtime for operator SVMClassifier. The code is inspired from … |
Implements Double runtime for operator SVMRegressor. The code is inspired from … |
Implements float runtime for operator SVMRegressor. The code is inspired from … |
Implements runtime for operator TfIdfVectorizer. The code is inspired from … |
Implements runtime for operator TreeEnsembleClassifier. The code is inspired from … |
Implements runtime for operator TreeEnsembleClassifier. The code is inspired from … |
Implements double runtime for operator TreeEnsembleClassifier. The code is inspired from … |
Implements float runtime for operator TreeEnsembleClassifier. The code is inspired from … |
Implements double runtime for operator TreeEnsembleRegressor. The code is inspired from … |
Implements float runtime for operator TreeEnsembleRegressor. The code is inspired from … |
Implements double runtime for operator TreeEnsembleRegressor. The code is inspired from … |
Implements float runtime for operator TreeEnsembleRegressor. The code is inspired from … |
Raised when a type of a variable is unexpected. |
SVMClassifier ( ========================== Support Vector Machine classifier Attributes |
SVMClassifierDouble (mlprodict) =============================== Version Onnx name: SVMClassifierDouble … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
SVMRegressor ( ========================= Support Vector Machine regression prediction and one-class SVM anomaly … |
SVMRegressorDouble (mlprodict) ============================== Version Onnx name: SVMRegressorDouble … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
Scaler ( =================== Rescale input data, for example to standardize features by removing the mean and … |
Scan ==== Scan can be used to iterate over one or more scan_input tensors, constructing zero or more scan_output tensors. … |
ScatterElements =============== ScatterElements takes three inputs data, updates, and indices of the same rank r … |
Selu ==== Selu takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the scaled exponential … |
Wraps SentencePieceTokenizer … |
SequenceAt ========== Outputs a tensor copy from the tensor at ‘position’ in ‘input_sequence’. Accepted range for ‘position’ … |
SequenceConstruct ================= Construct a tensor sequence containing ‘inputs’ tensors. All tensors in ‘inputs’ must … |
SequenceInsert ============== Outputs a tensor sequence that inserts ‘tensor’ into ‘input_sequence’ at ‘position’. ‘tensor’ … |
Represents a sequence type. Used in @see methd infer_types. |
Shape ===== Takes a tensor as input and outputs an 1D int64 tensor containing the shape of the input tensor. Optional … |
Base class for shape binary operator defined by a function. |
Base class for shape binary operator. |
One constraint. |
A list of ShapeConstraint. |
Stores all infered shapes as |
Raised when shape inference fails. |
Handles mathematical operations around shapes. It stores a type (numpy type), and a name to somehow have … |
Computes a shape depending on a user defined function. See |
Base class for all shapes operator. |
Shape addition. |
Shape comparison. |
Best on each dimension. |
Shape multiplication. |
Contains information about shape and type of a result in an onnx graph. |
Sigmoid ======= Sigmoid takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the sigmoid function, … |
Sign ==== Calculate the sign of the given input tensor element-wise. If input > 0, output 1. if input < 0, output -1. … |
Simple wrapper around InferenceSession which imitates |
Sin === Calculates the sine of the given input tensor, element-wise. Inputs |
Sinh ==== Calculates the hyperbolic sine of the given input tensor element-wise. Inputs |
Size ==== Takes a tensor as input and outputs a int64 scalar that equals to the total number of elements of the input … |
Slice ===== Produces a slice of the input tensor along multiple axes. Similar to numpy: … |
Slice ===== Produces a slice of the input tensor along multiple axes. Similar to numpy: … |
Softmax ======= The operator computes the normalized exponential values for the given input: Softmax(input, axis) = … |
Python runtime for function SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss. |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
SoftmaxGrad computes |
SoftmaxGrad computes |
Solve (mlprodict) ================= Version Onnx name: Solve … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
Runtime for operator Split. |
Runtime for operator Split. |
Runtime for operator Split. |
Runtime for operator Split. |
Sqrt ==== Square root takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the square root … |
Squeeze ======= Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of a tensor. Takes an input axes with a list of axes … |
Squeeze ======= Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of a tensor. Takes an input axes with a list of axes … |
The operator is not really threadsafe as python cannot play with two locales at the same time. stop words should … |
Sub === Performs element-wise binary subtraction (with Numpy-style broadcasting support). This operator supports **multidirectional … |
Sum === Element-wise sum of each of the input tensors (with Numpy-style broadcasting support). All inputs and outputs … |
Tan === Calculates the tangent of the given input tensor, element-wise. Inputs |
Tanh ==== Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the given input tensor element-wise. Inputs |
asv test for a classifier, Full template can be found in … |
asv test for a classifier, Full template can be found in … |
asv example for a clustering algorithm, Full template can be found in … |
asv example for a classifier, Full template can be found in … |
asv example for an outlier detector, Full template can be found in … |
asv example for a regressor, Full template can be found in … |
asv example for a trainable transform, Full template can be found in … |
asv example for a transform, Full template can be found in … |
asv example for a transform, Full template can be found in … |
Applies the converter on an ONNX graph. |
TfIdfVectorizer =============== This transform extracts n-grams from the input sequence and save them as a vector. Input … |
See Tokenizer. |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
Base class for |
TopK ==== Retrieve the top-K largest or smallest elements along a specified axis. Given an input tensor of shape [a_1, … |
TopK ==== Retrieve the top-K largest or smallest elements along a specified axis. Given an input tensor of shape [a_1, … |
Transpose ========= Transpose the input tensor similar to numpy.transpose. For example, when perm=(1, 0, 2), given an … |
TreeEnsembleClassifierDouble (mlprodict) ======================================== Version Onnx name: TreeEnsembleClassifierDouble … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
TreeEnsembleClassifier ( =================================== Tree Ensemble classifier. Returns the top class … |
TreeEnsembleClassifier ( =================================== Tree Ensemble classifier. Returns the top class … |
Runtime for the custom operator TreeEnsembleRegressorDouble. |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
TreeEnsembleRegressor ( ================================== Tree Ensemble regressor. Returns the regressed … |
TreeEnsembleRegressor ( ================================== Tree Ensemble regressor. Returns the regressed … |
Trilu ===== Given a 2-D matrix or batches of 2-D matrices, returns the upper or lower triangular part of the tensor(s). … |
Unsqueeze ========= Insert single-dimensional entries to the shape of an input tensor (data). Takes one required input … |
Unsqueeze ========= Insert single-dimensional entries to the shape of an input tensor (data). Takes one required input … |
An input or output to an ONNX graph. |
Where ===== Return elements, either from X or Y, depending on condition. Where behaves like [numpy.where]( … |
A booster can be a classifier, a regressor. Trick to wrap it in a minimal function. |
Trick to wrap a LGBMClassifier into a class. |
converter for XGBClassifier |
common methods for converters |
converter class |
Xor === Returns the tensor resulted from performing the xor logical operation elementwise on the input tensors A and … |
YieldOp (mlprodict) =================== Version Onnx name: YieldOp … |
Defines a schema for operators added in this package such as |
The class does not output a dictionary as specified in ONNX specifications but a |
Custom dictionary class much faster for this runtime, it implements a subset of the same methods. |
Base class for runtime for operator ArgMax. … |
Base class for runtime for operator ArgMin. … |
Labels strings are not natively implemented in C++ runtime. The class stores the strings labels, replaces them by … |
Common tests to all benchmarks testing converted scikit-learn models. See benchmark attributes. … |
Common class for a classifier. |
Common class for a classifier. |
Common class for a clustering algorithm. |
Common class for a multi-classifier. |
Common class for outlier detection. |
Common class for a regressor. |
Common class for a trainable transformer. |
Common class for a transformer. |
Common class for a transformer for positive features. |
Common methods to all random operators. |
Ths class hides a parameter used as a threshold above which the parallelisation is started: |
Graph builder. It takes a graph structure made with instances of |
Ancestor to custom signature. |
Speeds up inference by replacing methods transform or predict by a runtime for ONNX. |
Class to store all dynamic classes created by wrappers. |
Overloads class |
Decorator to register any new converter. |
Intermediate wrapper to store a pointer on the compiler (type: |
Intermediate wrapper to store a pointer on the compiler (type: |