module onnxrt.ops_cpu.op_batch_normalization#

Inheritance diagram of mlprodict.onnxrt.ops_cpu.op_batch_normalization

Short summary#

module mlprodict.onnxrt.ops_cpu.op_batch_normalization

Runtime operator.

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BatchNormalization ================== Carries out batch normalization as described in the paper …


BatchNormalization ================== Carries out batch normalization as described in the paper …




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truncated documentation


Returns the list of arguments as well as the list of parameters with the default values (close to the signature). …


Returns the list of arguments as well as the list of parameters with the default values (close to the signature). …


Returns the list of arguments as well as the list of parameters with the default values (close to the signature). …


Returns the list of modified parameters.


Returns the list of modified parameters.


Returns the list of modified parameters.


Returns the list of optional arguments.


Returns the list of optional arguments.


Returns the list of optional arguments.


Returns the list of optional arguments.


Returns the list of optional arguments.


Returns the list of optional arguments.


Returns all parameters in a dictionary.


Returns all parameters in a dictionary.


Returns all parameters in a dictionary.



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Runtime operator.

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alias of mlprodict.onnxrt.ops_cpu.op_batch_normalization.BatchNormalization_14

class mlprodict.onnxrt.ops_cpu.op_batch_normalization.BatchNormalization_14(onnx_node, desc=None, **options)#

Bases: mlprodict.onnxrt.ops_cpu._op.OpRun

Carries out batch normalization as described in the paper Depending on the mode it is being run, There are five required inputs ‘X’, ‘scale’, ‘B’, ‘input_mean’ and ‘input_var’. Note that ‘input_mean’ and ‘input_var’ are expected to be the estimated statistics in inference mode (training_mode=False, default), and the running statistics in training mode (training_mode=True). There are multiple cases for the number of outputs, which we list below:

Output case #1: Y, running_mean, running_var (training_mode=True) Output case #2: Y (training_mode=False)

When training_mode=False, extra outputs are invalid. The outputs are updated as follows when training_mode=True: `` running_mean = input_mean * momentum + current_mean * (1 - momentum) running_var = input_var * momentum + current_var * (1 - momentum)

Y = (X - current_mean) / sqrt(current_var + epsilon) * scale + B


current_mean = ReduceMean(X, axis=all_except_channel_index) current_var = ReduceVar(X, axis=all_except_channel_index)

Notice that ReduceVar refers to the population variance, and it equals to sum(sqrd(x_i - x_avg)) / N where N is the population size (this formula does not use sample size N - 1).


When training_mode=False: `` Y = (X - input_mean) / sqrt(input_var + epsilon) * scale + B ``

For previous (depreciated) non-spatial cases, implementors are suggested to flatten the input shape to (N x C * D1 * D2 * … * Dn) before a BatchNormalization Op. This operator has optional inputs/outputs. See ONNX for more details about the representation of optional arguments. An empty string may be used in the place of an actual argument’s name to indicate a missing argument. Trailing optional arguments (those not followed by an argument that is present) may also be simply omitted.


  • epsilon: The epsilon value to use to avoid division by zero. Default value is nameepsilonf9.999999747378752e-06typeFLOAT (FLOAT)

  • momentum: Factor used in computing the running mean and variance.e.g., running_mean = running_mean * momentum + mean * (1 - momentum). Default value is namemomentumf0.8999999761581421typeFLOAT (FLOAT)

  • training_mode: If set to true, it indicates BatchNormalization is being used for training, and outputs 1, 2, 3, and 4 would be populated. Default value is nametrainingmodei0typeINT (INT)


  • X (heterogeneous)T: Input data tensor from the previous operator; dimensions are in the form of (N x C x D1 x D2 … Dn), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels. Statistics are computed for every channel of C over N and D1 to Dn dimensions. For image data, input dimensions become (N x C x H x W). The op also accepts single dimension input of size N in which case C is assumed to be 1

  • scale (heterogeneous)T: Scale tensor of shape (C).

  • B (heterogeneous)T: Bias tensor of shape (C).

  • input_mean (heterogeneous)U: running (training) or estimated (testing) mean tensor of shape (C).

  • input_var (heterogeneous)U: running (training) or estimated (testing) variance tensor of shape (C).


Between 1 and 3 outputs.

  • Y (heterogeneous)T: The output tensor of the same shape as X

  • running_mean (optional, heterogeneous)U: The running mean after the BatchNormalization operator.

  • running_var (optional, heterogeneous)U: The running variance after the BatchNormalization operator. This op uses the population size (N) for calculating variance, and not the sample size N-1.

Type Constraints

  • T tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double), tensor(bfloat16): Constrain input and output types to float tensors.

  • U tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double), tensor(bfloat16): Constrain mean and variance types to float tensors. It allows all float type for U.


Onnx name: BatchNormalization

This version of the operator has been available since version 14.

Runtime implementation: BatchNormalization

  • onnx_nodeonnx node

  • desc – internal representation

  • expected_attributes – expected attributes for this node

  • options – runtime options

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__init__(onnx_node, desc=None, **options)#
  • onnx_nodeonnx node

  • desc – internal representation

  • expected_attributes – expected attributes for this node

  • options – runtime options

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_infer_shapes(x, scale, bias, mean, var)#

Should be overwritten.

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_infer_sizes(x, scale, bias, mean, var)#

Should be overwritten.

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_infer_types(x, scale, bias, mean, var)#

Should be overwritten.

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_run(x, scale, bias, mean, var)#

Should be overwritten.

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class mlprodict.onnxrt.ops_cpu.op_batch_normalization.BatchNormalization_9(onnx_node, desc=None, **options)#

Bases: mlprodict.onnxrt.ops_cpu._op.OpRun

  • onnx_nodeonnx node

  • desc – internal representation

  • expected_attributes – expected attributes for this node

  • options – runtime options

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__init__(onnx_node, desc=None, **options)#
  • onnx_nodeonnx node

  • desc – internal representation

  • expected_attributes – expected attributes for this node

  • options – runtime options

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_infer_shapes(x, scale, bias, mean, var)#

Should be overwritten.

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_infer_sizes(x, scale, bias, mean, var)#

Should be overwritten.

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_infer_types(x, scale, bias, mean, var)#

Should be overwritten.

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_run(x, scale, bias, mean, var)#

Should be overwritten.

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mlprodict.onnxrt.ops_cpu.op_batch_normalization._batchnorm_test_mode(x, s, bias, mean, var, epsilon=1e-05)#
mlprodict.onnxrt.ops_cpu.op_batch_normalization._batchnorm_training_mode(x, s, bias, mean, var, momentum=0.9, epsilon=1e-05)#