2019-06 - 1/1 Blog onnx (8) runtime (3)
2019-06 - 1/1#
ONNX, runtime#
Somebody asked me one day if it would be difficult to write a runtime for ONNX in Rust. I just replied that it should not take that long but it would require to implement a way to goes through the nodes of the ONNX graph and to have an implementation for every ONNX Operators…
ONNX, runtime, converters#
I have been recently working on sklearn-onnx to write converter from scikit-learn operators to ONNX serialization format. I was talking about that a month ago and somebody asked me if there was a runtime implemented in RUST. Not that I know of but I said it would not be too complex to implement one.
2019-06 - 1/1 2020-11 (1) 2021-05 (2) 2021-07 (2) 2021-08 (3) 2022-02 (1)