RSS benchmark - 1/1 Blog onnx (8) runtime (3)

benchmark - 1/1#

Custom C++ TopK#


It started with the fact the python runtime for the AdaBoostRegressor was quite slow. I noticed three operators were quite slow even though their implementation was based on numpy: TopK, ArrayFeatureExtractor and GatherElement. I made a custom implementation of the first two.


RandomForestClassifier - prediction for one observation#


I was meeting with Olivier Grisel this morning and we were wondering why scikit-learn was slow to compute the prediction of a random forest for one observation compare to what onnxruntime does, and more specically some optimized C++ code inspired from onnxruntime. We used py-spy and wrote the following script:


The bug which makes you waste time#


It is not a bug but it is something which makes you waste some significant time just to understand what’s going on. asv would refuse to detect the benchmark I was trying to set up just because filenames did contain dots. So, for asv don’t add a file but use A couple of benchmark for tries: bench1, bench2.


RSS benchmark - 1/1 2020-11 (1) 2021-05 (2) 2021-07 (2) 2021-08 (3) 2022-02 (1)