class |
class parent |
truncated documentation |
Implements a square loss |
Base class for optimizers. Implements common methods such __repr__. |
Class handling the loss for class |
Class handling ONNX function to manipulate OrtValue. Base class for |
Class handling the penalty on the coefficients for class |
Class handling the learning rate update after every iteration of a gradient. Two methods need to be overwritten … |
Bases class with common functions to handle attributes in classes owning ONNX graphs. |
List of events. |
Raised when a learning algorithm failed to converge. |
Raised when a learning algorithm failed to converge. |
Options defining how to build the onnx graph of the gradients. |
Implements a square loss |
Implements a L1 or L2 regularization on weights. |
Raised when an evaluation failed. |
Implements the learning the same way as |
Implements the learning the same way as |
Implements a negative log loss ‘log(yt, yp) = -(1-yt)log(1-yp) - ytlog(yp), this only works for a binary classification … |
No regularization. |
Draws consecutive random observations from a dataset by batch. It iterates over the datasets by drawing batch_size … |
Implements forward backward mechanism assuming the function to train is defined by an ONNX graph. |
Ancestor for a class implementing forward and backward and dynamically created by |
Implements a simple Stochastic Gradient Descent with onnxruntime-training. It leverages class @see … |
Implements a simple Stochastic Gradient Descent with onnxruntime-training. |
Raised when an input is not on the expected device (CPU, GPU). |
Implements a square loss |