Export ONNX into Python#

Through OnnxInference#

The Python Runtime can be optimized by generating custom python code and dynamically compile it. OnnxInference computes predictions based on an ONNX graph with a python runtime or onnxruntime. Method to_python goes further by converting the ONNX graph into a standalone python code. All operators may not be implemented.

External tools#

Another tool is implemented in onnx2py.py and converts an ONNX graph into a python code which produces this graph.

Export functions#

The following function converts an ONNX graph into Python code.

onnx API#

The python code creates the same exported onnx graph with onnx API.

mlprodict.onnx_tools.onnx_export.export2onnx (model_onnx, opset = None, verbose = True, name = None, rename = False, autopep_options = None)

Exports an ONNX model to the onnx syntax.

to numpy#

The python code creates a python function using numpy to produce the same results as the ONNX graph.

mlprodict.onnx_tools.onnx_export.export2numpy (model_onnx, opset = None, verbose = True, name = None, rename = False, autopep_options = None)

Exports an ONNX model to the numpy syntax. The exports does not work with all operators.


This function was used to write a converter for a function from tensorflow (RFFT). To speed up the development, the first step consisted into writing a numpy function equivalent to the tensorflow version. Then this function was converted into ONNX using the numpy API for ONNX. Finally, the ONNX graph was exported into a python code following tf2onnx API.

mlprodict.onnx_tools.onnx_export.export2tf2onnx (model_onnx, opset = None, verbose = True, name = None, rename = False, autopep_options = None)

Exports an ONNX model to the tensorflow-onnx syntax.