

Given list of opset ids, determine minimum IR version required


make_attribute(key, value[, doc_string])

Makes an AttributeProto based on the value type.


make_function(domain, fname, inputs, ...[, ...])

make_graph(nodes, name, inputs, outputs[, ...])

Construct a GraphProto

make_map(name, key_type, keys, values)

Make a Map with specified key-value pair arguments.

make_model(graph, **kwargs)

Construct a ModelProto

make_node(op_type, inputs, outputs[, name, ...])

Construct a NodeProto.

make_operatorsetid(domain, version)

Construct an OperatorSetIdProto.

make_opsetid(domain, version)

Construct an OperatorSetIdProto.

make_optional(name, elem_type, value)

Make an Optional with specified value arguments.


Makes an optional TypeProto.

make_sequence(name, elem_type, values)

Make a Sequence with specified value arguments.


Makes a sequence TypeProto.

make_sparse_tensor(values, indices, dims)

Construct a SparseTensorProto

make_sparse_tensor_type_proto(elem_type, shape)

Makes a SparseTensor TypeProto based on the data type and shape.

make_sparse_tensor_value_info(name, ...[, ...])

Makes a SparseTensor ValueInfoProto based on the data type and shape.

make_tensor(name, data_type, dims, vals[, raw])

Make a TensorProto with specified arguments.

make_tensor_sequence_value_info(name, ...[, ...])

Makes a Sequence[Tensors] ValueInfoProto based on the data type and shape.

make_tensor_type_proto(elem_type, shape[, ...])

Makes a Tensor TypeProto based on the data type and shape.

make_training_info(algorithm, ...)

make_tensor_type_proto(elem_type, shape[, ...])

Makes a Tensor TypeProto based on the data type and shape.

make_tensor_value_info(name, elem_type, shape)

Makes a ValueInfoProto based on the data type and shape.

make_value_info(name, type_proto[, doc_string])

Makes a ValueInfoProto with the given type_proto.

printable_attribute(attr[, subgraphs])


printable_graph(graph[, prefix])

Display a GraphProto as a string.

printable_node(node[, prefix, subgraphs])






onnx.helper.get_attribute_value(attr: AttributeProto) Any[source]


onnx.helper.printable_attribute(attr: AttributeProto, subgraphs: bool = False) Union[str, Tuple[str, List[GraphProto]]][source]
onnx.helper.printable_dim(dim: Dimension) str[source]
onnx.helper.printable_graph(graph: GraphProto, prefix: str = '') str[source]

Display a GraphProto as a string.

  • graph (GraphProto) – the graph to display

  • prefix (string) – prefix of every line



onnx.helper.printable_node(node: NodeProto, prefix: str = '', subgraphs: bool = False) Union[str, Tuple[str, List[GraphProto]]][source]
onnx.helper.printable_tensor_proto(t: TensorProto) str[source]
onnx.helper.printable_type(t: TypeProto) str[source]
onnx.helper.printable_value_info(v: ValueInfoProto) str[source]


onnx.helper.find_min_ir_version_for(opsetidlist: List[OperatorSetIdProto]) int[source]

Given list of opset ids, determine minimum IR version required

onnx.helper.split_complex_to_pairs(ca: Sequence[complex64]) Sequence[int][source]

make function

All functions uses to create an ONNX graph.

onnx.helper.make_attribute(key: str, value: Any, doc_string: Optional[str] = None) AttributeProto[source]

Makes an AttributeProto based on the value type.

onnx.helper.make_empty_tensor_value_info(name: str) ValueInfoProto[source]
onnx.helper.make_function(domain: str, fname: str, inputs: Sequence[str], outputs: Sequence[str], nodes: Sequence[NodeProto], opset_imports: Sequence[OperatorSetIdProto], attributes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = [], doc_string: Optional[str] = None) FunctionProto[source]
onnx.helper.make_graph(nodes: Sequence[NodeProto], name: str, inputs: Sequence[ValueInfoProto], outputs: Sequence[ValueInfoProto], initializer: Optional[Sequence[TensorProto]] = None, doc_string: Optional[str] = None, value_info: Sequence[ValueInfoProto] = [], sparse_initializer: Optional[Sequence[SparseTensorProto]] = None) GraphProto[source]

Construct a GraphProto

  • nodes – list of NodeProto

  • name (string) – graph name

  • inputs – list of ValueInfoProto

  • outputs – list of ValueInfoProto

  • initializer – list of TensorProto

  • doc_string (string) – graph documentation

  • value_info – list of ValueInfoProto

  • sparse_initializer – list of SparseTensorProto



onnx.helper.make_map(name: str, key_type: int, keys: List[Any], values: SequenceProto) MapProto[source]

Make a Map with specified key-value pair arguments.

Criteria for conversion: - Keys and Values must have the same number of elements - Every key in keys must be of the same type - Every value in values must be of the same type

onnx.helper.make_model(graph: GraphProto, **kwargs: Any) ModelProto[source]

Construct a ModelProto

  • graph (GraphProto) – make_graph returns

  • **kwargs – any attribute to add to the returned instance



onnx.helper.make_node(op_type: str, inputs: Sequence[str], outputs: Sequence[str], name: Optional[str] = None, doc_string: Optional[str] = None, domain: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) NodeProto[source]

Construct a NodeProto.

  • op_type (string) – The name of the operator to construct

  • inputs (list of string) – list of input names

  • outputs (list of string) – list of output names

  • name (string, default None) – optional unique identifier for NodeProto

  • doc_string (string, default None) – optional documentation string for NodeProto

  • domain (string, default None) – optional domain for NodeProto. If it’s None, we will just use default domain (which is empty)

  • **kwargs (dict) – the attributes of the node. The acceptable values are documented in make_attribute().



onnx.helper.make_operatorsetid(domain: str, version: int) OperatorSetIdProto[source]

Construct an OperatorSetIdProto.

  • domain (string) – The domain of the operator set id

  • version (integer) – Version of operator set id



onnx.helper.make_opsetid(domain: str, version: int) OperatorSetIdProto[source]

Construct an OperatorSetIdProto.

  • domain (string) – The domain of the operator set id

  • version (integer) – Version of operator set id



onnx.helper.make_optional(name: str, elem_type: <google.protobuf.internal.enum_type_wrapper.EnumTypeWrapper object at 0x7f50aa0a32e0>, value: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Any]) OptionalProto[source]

Make an Optional with specified value arguments.

onnx.helper.make_optional_type_proto(inner_type_proto: TypeProto) TypeProto[source]

Makes an optional TypeProto.

onnx.helper.make_sequence(name: str, elem_type: <google.protobuf.internal.enum_type_wrapper.EnumTypeWrapper object at 0x7f50be9b37c0>, values: ~typing.Sequence[~typing.Any]) SequenceProto[source]

Make a Sequence with specified value arguments.

onnx.helper.make_sequence_type_proto(inner_type_proto: TypeProto) TypeProto[source]

Makes a sequence TypeProto.

onnx.helper.make_sparse_tensor(values: TensorProto, indices: TensorProto, dims: Sequence[int]) SparseTensorProto[source]

Construct a SparseTensorProto



onnx.helper.make_sparse_tensor_type_proto(elem_type: int, shape: Optional[Sequence[Optional[Union[str, int]]]], shape_denotation: Optional[List[str]] = None) TypeProto[source]

Makes a SparseTensor TypeProto based on the data type and shape.

onnx.helper.make_sparse_tensor_value_info(name: str, elem_type: int, shape: Optional[Sequence[Optional[Union[str, int]]]], doc_string: str = '', shape_denotation: Optional[List[str]] = None) ValueInfoProto[source]

Makes a SparseTensor ValueInfoProto based on the data type and shape.

onnx.helper.make_tensor(name: str, data_type: int, dims: Sequence[int], vals: Any, raw: bool = False) TensorProto[source]

Make a TensorProto with specified arguments. If raw is False, this function will choose the corresponding proto field to store the values based on data_type. If raw is True, use “raw_data” proto field to store the values, and values should be of type bytes in this case.

  • name (string) – tensor name

  • data_type (int) – a value such as onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT

  • dims (List[int]) – shape

  • vals – values

  • raw (bool) – if True, vals contains the serialized content of the tensor, otherwise, vals should be a list of values of the type defined by data_type



onnx.helper.make_tensor_sequence_value_info(name: str, elem_type: int, shape: Optional[Sequence[Optional[Union[str, int]]]], doc_string: str = '', elem_shape_denotation: Optional[List[str]] = None) ValueInfoProto[source]

Makes a Sequence[Tensors] ValueInfoProto based on the data type and shape.

onnx.helper.make_tensor_type_proto(elem_type: int, shape: Optional[Sequence[Optional[Union[str, int]]]], shape_denotation: Optional[List[str]] = None) TypeProto[source]

Makes a Tensor TypeProto based on the data type and shape.

onnx.helper.make_training_info(algorithm: GraphProto, algorithm_bindings: List[Tuple[str, str]], initialization: Optional[GraphProto], initialization_bindings: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]]) TrainingInfoProto[source]
onnx.helper.make_tensor_type_proto(elem_type: int, shape: Optional[Sequence[Optional[Union[str, int]]]], shape_denotation: Optional[List[str]] = None) TypeProto[source]

Makes a Tensor TypeProto based on the data type and shape.

onnx.helper.make_tensor_value_info(name: str, elem_type: int, shape: Optional[Sequence[Optional[Union[str, int]]]], doc_string: str = '', shape_denotation: Optional[List[str]] = None) ValueInfoProto[source]

Makes a ValueInfoProto based on the data type and shape.

onnx.helper.make_value_info(name: str, type_proto: TypeProto, doc_string: str = '') ValueInfoProto[source]

Makes a ValueInfoProto with the given type_proto.


onnx.helper.get_attribute_value(attr: AttributeProto) Any[source]


onnx.helper.printable_attribute(attr: AttributeProto, subgraphs: bool = False) Union[str, Tuple[str, List[GraphProto]]][source]
onnx.helper.printable_dim(dim: Dimension) str[source]
onnx.helper.printable_graph(graph: GraphProto, prefix: str = '') str[source]

Display a GraphProto as a string.

  • graph (GraphProto) – the graph to display

  • prefix (string) – prefix of every line



onnx.helper.printable_node(node: NodeProto, prefix: str = '', subgraphs: bool = False) Union[str, Tuple[str, List[GraphProto]]][source]
onnx.helper.printable_tensor_proto(t: TensorProto) str[source]
onnx.helper.printable_type(t: TypeProto) str[source]
onnx.helper.printable_value_info(v: ValueInfoProto) str[source]