API Reference#


The following example shows how to retrieve onnx version, the onnx opset, the IR version. Every new major release increments the opset version (see Opset Version).

from onnx import __version__, IR_VERSION
from onnx.defs import onnx_opset_version
print(f"onnx.__version__={__version__!r}, opset={onnx_opset_version()}, IR_VERSION={IR_VERSION}")
onnx.__version__='1.12.0', opset=18, IR_VERSION=8

The intermediate representation (IR) specification is the abstract model for graphs and operators and the concrete format that represents them. Adding a structure, modifying one them increases the IR version.

The opset version increases when an operator is added or removed or modified. A higher opset means a longer list of operators and more options to implement an ONNX functions. An operator is usually modified because it supports more input and output type, or an attribute becomes an input.

Data Structures#

Every ONNX object is defined based on a protobuf message and has a name ended with suffix Proto. For example, NodeProto defines an operator, TensorProto defines a tensor. Next page lists all of them.


An ONNX model can be directly from the classes described in previous section but it is faster to create and verify a model with the following helpers.