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1# pylint: disable=C0415,E0611
4@brief Onnx helper.
6import numpy
7from .onnx_helper import dtype_to_var_type, add_initializer
8from .. import __max_supported_opset__ as SUPPORTED_OPSET
11def get_supported_functions():
12 """
13 Returns the list of supported function by @see fn function_onnx_graph.
14 """
15 glo = globals()
16 res = {}
17 for k, v in glo.items():
18 if k.startswith('_onnx_'):
19 res[k[6:]] = v.__doc__
20 return res
23def function_onnx_graph(name, target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32,
24 weight_name=None, **kwargs):
25 """
26 Returns the ONNX graph corresponding to a function.
28 :param name: name
29 :param target_opset: opset version, if None, *target_opset*
30 is replaced by the latest supported opset defined
31 in the main `` of this package in
32 `__max_supported_opset__`
33 :param dtype: computation type
34 :param weight_name: weight name if any
35 :param kwargs: additional parameters
36 :return: ONNX graph
38 A wrong name will raise an exception giving the whole of
39 supported function. One example with function `square_error`:
41 .. gdot::
42 :script: DOT-SECTION
44 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
45 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
47 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('square_error')
48 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
50 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
52 An example on how to use it:
54 .. runpython::
55 :showcode:
57 import numpy
58 from onnxruntime import InferenceSession
59 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
61 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('square_error')
62 sess = InferenceSession(model_onnx.SerializeToString())
63 res =, {
64 'X1': numpy.array([[0, 1]], dtype=numpy.float32).T,
65 'X2': numpy.array([[1, 2]], dtype=numpy.float32).T})
66 print(res[0])
68 List of supported functions:
70 .. runpython::
71 :showcode:
72 :warningout: DeprecationWarning
74 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import get_supported_functions
75 print("\\n".join(sorted(get_supported_functions())))
76 """
77 if target_opset is None:
78 target_opset = SUPPORTED_OPSET
79 glo = globals()
80 full_name = "_onnx_" + name
81 if full_name in glo:
82 if weight_name is None:
83 return glo[full_name](target_opset=target_opset,
84 dtype=dtype, **kwargs)
85 return glo[full_name](target_opset=target_opset, dtype=dtype,
86 weight_name=weight_name, **kwargs)
87 raise ValueError(
88 "Unable to find function %r in %r." % (
89 full_name, list(sorted(
90 k for k in glo if k.startswith('_onnx_')))))
93def _onnx_axpy(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32):
94 """
95 Returns the ONNX graph for function
96 :math:`Y = f(X1, X2, \\alpha) = \\alpha X1 + X2`.
98 .. gdot::
99 :script: DOT-SECTION
101 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
102 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
104 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('axpy')
105 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
107 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
108 """
109 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import OnnxAdd, OnnxMul
110 res = OnnxAdd(OnnxMul('X1', 'alpha', op_version=target_opset),
111 'X2', op_version=target_opset, output_names=['Y'])
112 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
113 varsx = [('X1', var_type()), ('X2', var_type()),
114 ('alpha', var_type([1]))]
115 onx = res.to_onnx(varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type())],
116 target_opset=target_opset)
117 return onx
120def _onnx_axpyw(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32):
121 """
122 Returns the ONNX graph for function
123 :math:`Y, Z = f(X1, X2, G, \\alpha, \\beta) = (Y, Z)`
124 where :math:`Z = \\beta G + \\alpha X1` and
125 :math:`Y = Z + X2`.
127 .. gdot::
128 :script: DOT-SECTION
130 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
131 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
133 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('axpy')
134 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
136 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
137 """
138 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import OnnxAdd, OnnxMul
139 s1 = OnnxMul('X1', 'alpha', op_version=target_opset)
140 s2 = OnnxMul('G', 'beta', op_version=target_opset)
141 Z = OnnxAdd(s1, s2, op_version=target_opset,
142 output_names=['Z'])
143 Y = OnnxAdd(Z, 'X2', op_version=target_opset, output_names=['Y'])
144 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
145 varsx = [('X1', var_type()), ('X2', var_type()),
146 ('G', var_type()),
147 ('alpha', var_type([1])), ('beta', var_type([1]))]
148 onx = Y.to_onnx(
149 varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type()), ('Z', var_type())],
150 target_opset=target_opset, other_outputs=[Z])
151 return onx
154def _onnx_axpyw2(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32):
155 """
156 Returns the ONNX graph for function
157 :math:`Y, Z = f(X1, X2, G, \\alpha, \\beta) = (Y, Z)`
158 where :math:`Z = \\beta G + \\alpha X1` and
159 :math:`Y = \\beta * Z + \\alpha X1 + X2`.
161 .. gdot::
162 :script: DOT-SECTION
164 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
165 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
167 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('axpy')
168 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
170 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
171 """
172 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import OnnxAdd, OnnxMul
173 s1 = OnnxMul('X1', 'alpha', op_version=target_opset)
174 s2 = OnnxMul('G', 'beta', op_version=target_opset)
175 Z = OnnxAdd(s1, s2, op_version=target_opset,
176 output_names=['Z'])
177 s2_2 = OnnxMul(Z, 'beta', op_version=target_opset)
178 s2_3 = OnnxAdd(s1, s2_2, op_version=target_opset)
179 Y = OnnxAdd(s2_3, 'X2', op_version=target_opset, output_names=['Y'])
180 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
181 varsx = [('X1', var_type()), ('X2', var_type()),
182 ('G', var_type()),
183 ('alpha', var_type([1])), ('beta', var_type([1]))]
184 onx = Y.to_onnx(
185 varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type()), ('Z', var_type())],
186 target_opset=target_opset, other_outputs=[Z])
187 return onx
190def _onnx_square_error(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32,
191 weight_name=None):
192 """
193 Returns the ONNX graph for function
194 :math:`Y = f(X1, X2) = \\lVert X1 - X2 \\rVert ^2` or
195 :math:`Y = f(X1, X2) = \\lVert X1 - X2 \\rVert ^2 w` if
196 *weight_name* is not None
198 .. gdot::
199 :script: DOT-SECTION
201 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
202 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
204 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('square_error')
205 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
207 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
208 """
209 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import (
210 OnnxSub, OnnxReduceSumSquare, OnnxReshape,
211 OnnxReduceSum, OnnxMul)
212 diff = OnnxSub('X1', 'X2', op_version=target_opset)
213 if weight_name is None:
214 res = OnnxReduceSumSquare(diff, op_version=target_opset)
215 else:
216 mul = OnnxMul(
217 OnnxMul(diff, diff, op_version=target_opset),
218 OnnxReshape(weight_name,
219 numpy.array([-1, 1], dtype=numpy.int64),
220 op_version=target_opset),
221 op_version=target_opset)
222 res = OnnxReduceSum(mul, op_version=target_opset)
223 res = OnnxReshape(res, numpy.array([-1], numpy.int64),
224 op_version=target_opset,
225 output_names=['Y'])
226 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
227 varsx = [('X1', var_type([None, None])),
228 ('X2', var_type([None, None]))]
229 if weight_name is not None:
230 varsx.append((weight_name, var_type([None])))
231 onx = res.to_onnx(varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type())],
232 target_opset=target_opset)
233 if weight_name is not None:
234 onx = add_initializer(
235 onx, weight_name, numpy.array([1], dtype=dtype))
236 return onx
239def _onnx_grad_square_error(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32,
240 weight_name=None):
241 """
242 Returns the ONNX graph for the gradient of function
243 :math:`Y = f(X1, X2) = \\lVert X1 - X2 \\rVert ^2` or
244 :math:`Y = f(X1, X2) = \\lVert X1 - X2 \\rVert ^2 w` if
245 *weight_name* is not None
247 .. gdot::
248 :script: DOT-SECTION
250 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
251 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
253 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('grad_square_error')
254 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
256 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
257 """
258 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import OnnxSub, OnnxMul, OnnxReshape
259 diff = OnnxSub('X1', 'X2', op_version=target_opset)
260 if weight_name is None:
261 res = OnnxMul(diff, numpy.array([-2], dtype=dtype),
262 op_version=target_opset, output_names=['Y_grad'])
263 else:
264 res = OnnxMul(
265 OnnxMul(diff, numpy.array([-2], dtype=dtype),
266 op_version=target_opset),
267 OnnxReshape(weight_name,
268 numpy.array([-1, 1], dtype=numpy.int64),
269 op_version=target_opset),
270 op_version=target_opset, output_names=['Y_grad'])
271 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
272 varsx = [('X1', var_type([None, None])), ('X2', var_type([None, None]))]
273 if weight_name is not None:
274 varsx.append((weight_name, var_type([None])))
275 onx = res.to_onnx(varsx, outputs=[('Y_grad', var_type())],
276 target_opset=target_opset)
277 if weight_name is not None:
278 onx = add_initializer(
279 onx, weight_name, numpy.array([1], dtype=dtype))
280 return onx
283def _onnx_copy(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32):
284 """
285 Returns the ONNX graph for function
286 :math:`Y = X`.
288 .. gdot::
289 :script: DOT-SECTION
291 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
292 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
294 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('copy')
295 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
297 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
298 """
299 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import OnnxIdentity
300 res = OnnxIdentity('X', op_version=target_opset,
301 output_names=['Y'])
302 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
303 varsx = [('X', var_type())]
304 onx = res.to_onnx(varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type())],
305 target_opset=target_opset)
306 return onx
309def _onnx_zero(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32):
310 """
311 Returns the ONNX graph for function
312 :math:`Y = X * 0`.
314 .. gdot::
315 :script: DOT-SECTION
317 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
318 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
320 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('zero')
321 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
323 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
324 """
325 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import OnnxMul
326 res = OnnxMul('X', numpy.array([0], dtype=dtype),
327 op_version=target_opset,
328 output_names=['Y'])
329 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
330 varsx = [('X', var_type())]
331 onx = res.to_onnx(varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type())],
332 target_opset=target_opset)
333 return onx
336def _onnx_linear_regression(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32):
337 """
338 Returns the ONNX graph for function
339 :math:`Y = f(X, A, B) = A X + B`.
341 .. gdot::
342 :script: DOT-SECTION
344 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
345 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
347 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('linear_regression')
348 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
350 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
351 """
352 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import (
353 OnnxMatMul, OnnxAdd)
354 res = OnnxAdd(
355 OnnxMatMul('X', 'A', op_version=target_opset),
356 'B', op_version=target_opset, output_names=['Y'])
358 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
359 varsx = [('X', var_type([None, None])),
360 ('A', var_type([None, None])),
361 ('B', var_type([None, None]))]
362 onx = res.to_onnx(
363 varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type())],
364 target_opset=target_opset, other_outputs=[res])
365 return onx
368def _onnx_grad_loss_square_error(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32,
369 weight_name=None, multiply=2):
370 """
371 Returns the ONNX graph for function
372 :math:`Y = f(X1, X2) = \\lVert (X1 - X2) \\rVert ^2` or
373 :math:`Y = f(X1, X2) = \\lVert (\\sqrt{w}(X1 - X2) \\rVert ^2 w` if
374 *weight_name* is not None and its gradient.
376 .. gdot::
377 :script: DOT-SECTION
379 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
380 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
382 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('grad_loss_square_error')
383 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
385 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
386 """
387 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import (
388 OnnxSub, OnnxReduceSumSquare, OnnxMul,
389 OnnxReduceSum, OnnxReshape)
390 diff = OnnxSub('X1', 'X2', op_version=target_opset)
391 if weight_name is None:
392 res = OnnxMul(OnnxReduceSumSquare(diff, op_version=target_opset),
393 numpy.array([multiply * 0.5], dtype=numpy.float32),
394 op_version=target_opset)
395 res2 = OnnxMul(diff, numpy.array([-multiply], dtype=dtype),
396 op_version=target_opset, output_names=['Y_grad'])
397 else:
398 resh = OnnxReshape(weight_name,
399 numpy.array([-1, 1], dtype=numpy.int64),
400 op_version=target_opset)
401 mul = OnnxMul(
402 OnnxMul(diff, diff, op_version=target_opset),
403 resh, op_version=target_opset)
404 res = OnnxMul(OnnxReduceSum(mul, op_version=target_opset),
405 numpy.array([multiply * 0.5], dtype=numpy.float32),
406 op_version=target_opset)
408 res2 = OnnxMul(
409 OnnxMul(diff, numpy.array([-multiply], dtype=dtype),
410 op_version=target_opset),
411 resh, op_version=target_opset, output_names=['Y_grad'])
413 res = OnnxReshape(res, numpy.array([-1], numpy.int64),
414 op_version=target_opset,
415 output_names=['Y'])
417 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
418 varsx = [('X1', var_type([None, None])),
419 ('X2', var_type([None, None]))]
420 if weight_name is not None:
421 varsx.append((weight_name, var_type([None])))
422 onx = res.to_onnx(
423 varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type()), ('Y_grad', var_type())],
424 target_opset=target_opset, other_outputs=[res2])
425 if weight_name is not None:
426 onx = add_initializer(
427 onx, weight_name, numpy.array([1], dtype=dtype))
428 return onx
431def _onnx_grad_loss_absolute_error(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32,
432 weight_name=None):
433 """
434 Returns the ONNX graph for function
435 :math:`Y = f(X1, X2) = \\lVert X1 - X2 \\rVert` or
436 :math:`Y = f(X1, X2) = \\lVert (X1 - X2)w \\rVert` if
437 *weight_name* is not None and its gradient.
439 .. gdot::
440 :script: DOT-SECTION
442 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
443 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
445 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('grad_loss_absolute_error')
446 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
448 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
449 """
450 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import (
451 OnnxSub, OnnxMul, OnnxReduceSum, OnnxReshape,
452 OnnxSign, OnnxAbs)
453 diff = OnnxSub('X1', 'X2', op_version=target_opset)
454 abs_diff = OnnxAbs(diff, op_version=target_opset)
455 if weight_name is None:
456 res = OnnxReduceSum(abs_diff, op_version=target_opset)
457 res2 = OnnxSign(diff, op_version=target_opset,
458 output_names=['Y_grad'])
459 else:
460 resh = OnnxReshape(weight_name,
461 numpy.array([-1, 1], dtype=numpy.int64),
462 op_version=target_opset)
463 mul = OnnxMul(abs_diff, resh, op_version=target_opset)
464 res = OnnxReduceSum(mul, op_version=target_opset)
465 res2 = OnnxMul(
466 OnnxSign(diff, op_version=target_opset),
467 resh, op_version=target_opset, output_names=['Y_grad'])
469 res = OnnxReshape(res, numpy.array([-1], numpy.int64),
470 op_version=target_opset,
471 output_names=['Y'])
472 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
473 varsx = [('X1', var_type([None, None])),
474 ('X2', var_type([None, None]))]
475 if weight_name is not None:
476 varsx.append((weight_name, var_type([None])))
477 onx = res.to_onnx(
478 varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type()), ('Y_grad', var_type())],
479 target_opset=target_opset, other_outputs=[res2])
480 if weight_name is not None:
481 onx = add_initializer(
482 onx, weight_name, numpy.array([1], dtype=dtype))
483 return onx
486def _onnx_grad_loss_elastic_error(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32,
487 weight_name=None,
488 l1_weight=0.01, l2_weight=0.01):
489 """
490 Returns the ONNX graph for function
491 :math:`Y = f(X1, X2) = \\beta \\lVert X1 - X2 \\rVert +
492 \\alpha \\lVert X1 - X2 \\rVert^2` or
493 :math:`Y = f(X1, X2) = \\beta \\lVert w(X1 - X2) \\rVert +
494 \\alpha \\lVert (\\sqrt{w})(X1 - X2) \\rVert^2` if
495 *weight_name* is not None and its gradient.
496 *l1_weight* is :math:`\\beta` and
497 *l2_weight* is :math:`\\alpha`.
499 .. gdot::
500 :script: DOT-SECTION
502 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
503 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
505 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('grad_loss_elastic_error')
506 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
508 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
509 """
510 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import (
511 OnnxSub, OnnxMul, OnnxAdd, OnnxIdentity,
512 OnnxReduceSum, OnnxReshape, OnnxSign, OnnxAbs)
513 diff = OnnxSub('X1', 'X2', op_version=target_opset)
514 abs_diff = OnnxAbs(diff, op_version=target_opset)
516 # loss
517 abs_diff_l1 = OnnxMul(
518 abs_diff, numpy.array([l1_weight], dtype=dtype),
519 op_version=target_opset)
520 diff_l2 = OnnxMul(
521 OnnxMul(diff, diff, op_version=target_opset),
522 numpy.array([l2_weight], dtype=dtype),
523 op_version=target_opset)
524 score = OnnxAdd(abs_diff_l1, diff_l2, op_version=target_opset)
526 # gradient
527 grad_l1 = OnnxMul(
528 OnnxSign(diff, op_version=target_opset),
529 numpy.array([l1_weight], dtype=dtype),
530 op_version=target_opset)
531 grad_l2 = OnnxMul(
532 diff, numpy.array([l2_weight * -2], dtype=dtype),
533 op_version=target_opset)
534 grad = OnnxAdd(grad_l1, grad_l2, op_version=target_opset)
536 if weight_name is None:
537 res = OnnxReduceSum(score, op_version=target_opset)
538 res2 = OnnxIdentity(grad, op_version=target_opset,
539 output_names=['Y_grad'])
540 else:
541 resh = OnnxReshape(weight_name,
542 numpy.array([-1, 1], dtype=numpy.int64),
543 op_version=target_opset)
544 res = OnnxReduceSum(
545 OnnxMul(score, resh, op_version=target_opset),
546 op_version=target_opset)
547 res2 = OnnxMul(grad, resh, op_version=target_opset,
548 output_names=['Y_grad'])
550 res = OnnxReshape(res, numpy.array([-1], numpy.int64),
551 op_version=target_opset,
552 output_names=['Y'])
554 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
555 varsx = [('X1', var_type([None, None])),
556 ('X2', var_type([None, None]))]
557 if weight_name is not None:
558 varsx.append((weight_name, var_type([None])))
559 onx = res.to_onnx(
560 varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type()), ('Y_grad', var_type())],
561 target_opset=target_opset, other_outputs=[res2])
562 if weight_name is not None:
563 onx = add_initializer(
564 onx, weight_name, numpy.array([1], dtype=dtype))
565 return onx
568def _onnx_grad_penalty_elastic_error(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32,
569 l1_weight=0.01, l2_weight=0.01):
570 """
571 Returns the ONNX graph for function
572 :math:`Y = f(W) = \\beta \\lVert W \\rVert +
573 \\alpha \\lVert W \\rVert^2`
574 *l1_weight* is :math:`\\beta` and
575 *l2_weight* is :math:`\\alpha`.
577 .. gdot::
578 :script: DOT-SECTION
580 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
581 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
583 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('grad_penalty_elastic_error')
584 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
586 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
587 """
588 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import (
589 OnnxMul, OnnxAdd, OnnxReduceSumSquare,
590 OnnxReduceSum, OnnxSign, OnnxAbs, OnnxReshape)
591 diff = 'X'
592 abs_diff = OnnxAbs(diff, op_version=target_opset)
593 res_l1 = OnnxReduceSum(abs_diff, op_version=target_opset)
594 res2_l1 = OnnxSign(diff, op_version=target_opset)
595 res_l2 = OnnxReduceSumSquare(diff, op_version=target_opset)
596 res2_l2 = diff
598 res = OnnxAdd(
599 OnnxMul(res_l1, numpy.array([l1_weight], dtype=dtype),
600 op_version=target_opset),
601 OnnxMul(res_l2, numpy.array([l2_weight], dtype=dtype),
602 op_version=target_opset),
603 op_version=target_opset)
604 res = OnnxReshape(res, numpy.array([-1], numpy.int64),
605 op_version=target_opset,
606 output_names=['Y'])
608 res2 = OnnxAdd(
609 OnnxMul(res2_l1, numpy.array([l1_weight], dtype=dtype),
610 op_version=target_opset),
611 OnnxMul(res2_l2, numpy.array([l2_weight * (2)], dtype=dtype),
612 op_version=target_opset),
613 op_version=target_opset, output_names=['Y_grad'])
615 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
616 varsx = [('X', var_type([None, None]))]
617 onx = res.to_onnx(
618 varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type([None])), ('Y_grad', var_type())],
619 target_opset=target_opset, other_outputs=[res2])
620 return onx
623def _onnx_n_penalty_elastic_error(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32,
624 weight_name=None,
625 l1_weight=0.01, l2_weight=0.01, n_tensors=1,
626 loss_shape=(1, 1)):
627 """
628 Returns the ONNX graph for function
629 :math:`Y = f(W) = \\beta \\lVert W \\rVert +
630 \\alpha \\lVert W \\rVert^2`
631 *l1_weight* is :math:`\\beta` and
632 *l2_weight* is :math:`\\alpha`.
633 It does that for *n_tensors* and adds all of the results
634 to an input loss.
636 .. gdot::
637 :script: DOT-SECTION
639 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
640 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
642 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph(
643 'n_penalty_elastic_error', n_tensors=2)
644 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
646 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
647 """
648 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import (
649 OnnxMul, OnnxAdd, OnnxReduceSumSquare,
650 OnnxReduceSum, OnnxAbs, OnnxReshape)
652 if n_tensors <= 0:
653 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover
654 "This function is useless if the number of tensors is null.")
656 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
657 varsx = [('loss', var_type(loss_shape))]
658 names = ['loss']
659 for n in range(n_tensors):
660 name = 'W%d' % n
661 abs_diff = OnnxAbs(name, op_version=target_opset)
662 res_l1 = OnnxReduceSum(abs_diff, op_version=target_opset)
663 # res2_l1 = OnnxSign(diff, op_version=target_opset)
664 res_l2 = OnnxReduceSumSquare(name, op_version=target_opset)
665 # res2_l2 = diff
666 res = OnnxAdd(
667 OnnxMul(res_l1, numpy.array([l1_weight], dtype=dtype),
668 op_version=target_opset),
669 OnnxMul(res_l2, numpy.array([l2_weight], dtype=dtype),
670 op_version=target_opset),
671 op_version=target_opset)
672 names.append(res)
673 varsx.append(('W%d' % n, var_type()))
675 if len(names) == 2:
676 res = OnnxAdd(*names, op_version=target_opset)
677 else:
678 res = OnnxAdd(names[1], names[2], op_version=target_opset)
679 for i in range(3, len(names)):
680 res = OnnxAdd(res, names[i], op_version=target_opset)
681 res = OnnxAdd(names[0], res, op_version=target_opset)
683 res = OnnxReshape(res, numpy.array([-1], numpy.int64),
684 op_version=target_opset,
685 output_names=['Y'])
686 onx = res.to_onnx(
687 varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type([None]))],
688 target_opset=target_opset)
689 return onx
692def _onnx_update_penalty_elastic_error(target_opset=None, dtype=numpy.float32,
693 l1=1e-4, l2=1e-4):
694 """
695 Returns the ONNX graph for function
696 :math:`Y = f(W) = W - 2 \\beta W - \\alpha sign(W)`
697 *l1* is :math:`\\beta` and
698 *l2* is :math:`\\alpha`.
700 .. gdot::
701 :script: DOT-SECTION
703 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
704 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
706 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph(
707 'update_penalty_elastic_error')
708 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
710 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
711 """
712 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import (
713 OnnxSub, OnnxMul, OnnxSign)
715 res = OnnxSub(
716 OnnxMul('X', numpy.array([1 - 2 * l2], dtype=dtype),
717 op_version=target_opset),
718 OnnxMul(OnnxSign('X', op_version=target_opset),
719 numpy.array([l1], dtype=dtype),
720 op_version=target_opset),
721 op_version=target_opset,
722 output_names=['Y'])
724 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
725 varsx = [('X', var_type())]
726 onx = res.to_onnx(
727 varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type())],
728 target_opset=target_opset)
729 return onx
732def _onnx_grad_sigmoid_neg_log_loss_error(target_opset=None,
733 dtype=numpy.float32,
734 eps=1e-5,
735 weight_name=None):
736 """
737 The function the raw scores from a classifier, uses the
738 sigmoid function to compute probabilities, then the log function
739 to compute the loss. It creates the ONNX graph for this function
740 and the associated gradient of the loss against the raw scores.
742 Probabilites (class 1): :math:`p(s) = \\frac{1}{1 + \\exp(-s)}`.
743 Loss (for two classes): :math:`L(y, s) = (1 - y)\\log(1 - p(s)) +
744 y \\log(p(s))`.
745 Gradient :math:`\\frac{dL(y, s)}{ds} = y - p(s)`.
746 To avoid nan values, probabilies are clipped:
747 :math:`p(s) = \\max(\\min(p(s), 1 - \\epsilon), \\epsilon)`.
748 :math:`y \\in \\{0, 1\\}` (integer). *s* is a float.
750 :param eps: to clip probabilities and avoid computing `log(0)`
752 .. gdot::
753 :script: DOT-SECTION
755 from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference
756 from onnxcustom.utils.onnx_function import function_onnx_graph
758 model_onnx = function_onnx_graph('grad_sigmoid_neg_log_loss_error')
759 oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, inplace=False)
761 print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot())
762 """
763 from onnx.mapping import NP_TYPE_TO_TENSOR_TYPE
764 from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import (
765 OnnxSub, OnnxMul, OnnxSigmoid, OnnxLog, OnnxNeg,
766 OnnxReduceSum, OnnxReshape, OnnxAdd, OnnxCast, OnnxClip)
768 p1c = OnnxSigmoid('X2', op_version=target_opset)
769 p1 = OnnxClip(p1c, numpy.array([eps], dtype=dtype),
770 numpy.array([1 - eps], dtype=dtype),
771 op_version=target_opset)
772 p0 = OnnxSub(numpy.array([1], dtype=dtype), p1,
773 op_version=target_opset)
774 y1 = OnnxCast('X1', to=NP_TYPE_TO_TENSOR_TYPE[numpy.dtype(dtype)],
775 op_version=target_opset)
776 y0 = OnnxSub(numpy.array([1], dtype=dtype), y1,
777 op_version=target_opset)
778 loss_obs = OnnxAdd(
779 OnnxMul(y0, OnnxLog(p0, op_version=target_opset),
780 op_version=target_opset),
781 OnnxMul(y1, OnnxLog(p1, op_version=target_opset),
782 op_version=target_opset),
783 op_version=target_opset)
785 loss_neg = OnnxNeg(loss_obs, op_version=target_opset)
786 if weight_name is None:
787 loss = OnnxReduceSum(loss_neg, op_version=target_opset)
788 grad = OnnxSub(p1, y1, op_version=target_opset,
789 output_names=['Y_grad'])
790 else:
791 loss = OnnxReduceSum(
792 OnnxMul(loss_neg,
793 OnnxReshape(
794 weight_name, numpy.array([-1, 1], dtype=numpy.int64),
795 op_version=target_opset),
796 op_version=target_opset),
797 op_version=target_opset)
798 grad = OnnxMul(
799 OnnxSub(p1, y1, op_version=target_opset),
800 OnnxReshape(weight_name, numpy.array([-1, 1], dtype=numpy.int64),
801 op_version=target_opset),
802 output_names=['Y_grad'], op_version=target_opset)
804 res = OnnxReshape(loss, numpy.array([-1], numpy.int64),
805 op_version=target_opset,
806 output_names=['Y'])
808 var_type_int64 = dtype_to_var_type(numpy.int64)
809 var_type = dtype_to_var_type(dtype)
810 varsx = [('X1', var_type_int64([None, None])),
811 ('X2', var_type([None, None]))]
812 if weight_name is not None:
813 varsx.append((weight_name, var_type([None])))
814 onx = res.to_onnx(
815 varsx, outputs=[('Y', var_type()), ('Y_grad', var_type())],
816 target_opset=target_opset, other_outputs=[grad])
817 if weight_name is not None:
818 onx = add_initializer(
819 onx, weight_name, numpy.array([1], dtype=dtype))
820 return onx