Source code for
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set
import onnx.checker
from onnx import ModelProto, ValueInfoProto
[docs]def update_inputs_outputs_dims(
model: ModelProto,
input_dims: Dict[str, List[Any]],
output_dims: Dict[str, List[Any]],
) -> ModelProto:
This function updates the dimension sizes of the model's inputs and outputs to the values
provided in input_dims and output_dims. if the dim value provided is negative, a unique dim_param
will be set for that dimension.
Example. if we have the following shape for inputs and outputs:
shape(input_1) = ('b', 3, 'w', 'h')
shape(input_2) = ('b', 4)
and shape(output) = ('b', 'd', 5)
The parameters can be provided as:
input_dims = {
"input_1": ['b', 3, 'w', 'h'],
"input_2": ['b', 4],
output_dims = {
"output": ['b', -1, 5]
Putting it together:
model = onnx.load('model.onnx')
updated_model = update_inputs_outputs_dims(model, input_dims, output_dims), 'model.onnx')
dim_param_set: Set[str] = set()
def init_dim_param_set(
dim_param_set: Set[str], value_infos: List[ValueInfoProto]
) -> None:
for info in value_infos:
shape = info.type.tensor_type.shape
for dim in shape.dim:
if dim.HasField("dim_param"):
dim_param_set.add(dim.dim_param) # type: ignore
init_dim_param_set(dim_param_set, model.graph.input) # type: ignore
init_dim_param_set(dim_param_set, model.graph.output) # type: ignore
init_dim_param_set(dim_param_set, model.graph.value_info) # type: ignore
def update_dim(tensor: ValueInfoProto, dim: Any, j: int, name: str) -> None:
dim_proto = tensor.type.tensor_type.shape.dim[j]
if isinstance(dim, int):
if dim >= 0:
if dim_proto.HasField("dim_value") and dim_proto.dim_value != dim:
raise ValueError(
"Unable to set dimension value to {} for axis {} of {}. Contradicts existing dimension value {}.".format(
dim, j, name, dim_proto.dim_value
dim_proto.dim_value = dim
generated_dim_param = name + "_" + str(j)
if generated_dim_param in dim_param_set:
raise ValueError(
"Unable to generate unique dim_param for axis {} of {}. Please manually provide a dim_param value.".format(
j, name
dim_proto.dim_param = generated_dim_param
elif isinstance(dim, str):
dim_proto.dim_param = dim
raise ValueError(
f"Only int or str is accepted as dimension value, incorrect type: {type(dim)}"
for input in model.graph.input:
input_name =
input_dim_arr = input_dims[input_name]
for j, dim in enumerate(input_dim_arr):
update_dim(input, dim, j, input_name)
for output in model.graph.output:
output_name =
output_dim_arr = output_dims[output_name]
for j, dim in enumerate(output_dim_arr):
update_dim(output, dim, j, output_name)
return model