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3@brief ONNX Backend for @see cl OnnxInference.
7 import unittest
8 from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr
9 from io import StringIO
10 from onnx.backend.test import BackendTest
11 import mlprodict.onnxrt.backend_micropy as backend
13 back_test = BackendTest(backend, __name__)
14 back_test.exclude('.*_blvc_.*')
15 back_test.exclude('.*_densenet_.*')
16 back_test.exclude('.*_densenet121_.*')
17 back_test.exclude('.*_inception_.*')
18 back_test.exclude('.*_resnet50_.*')
19 back_test.exclude('.*_shufflenet_.*')
20 back_test.exclude('.*_squeezenet_.*')
21 back_test.exclude('.*_vgg19_.*')
22 back_test.exclude('.*_zfnet512_.*')
23 globals().update(back_test.enable_report().test_cases)
24 buffer = StringIO()
25 print('---------------------------------')
27 if True:
28 with redirect_stdout(buffer):
29 with redirect_stderr(buffer):
30 res = unittest.main(verbosity=2, exit=False)
31 else:
32 res = unittest.main(verbosity=2, exit=False)
34 testsRun = res.result.testsRun
35 errors = len(res.result.errors)
36 skipped = len(res.result.skipped)
37 unexpectedSuccesses = len(res.result.unexpectedSuccesses)
38 expectedFailures = len(res.result.expectedFailures)
39 print('---------------------------------')
40 print("testsRun=%d errors=%d skipped=%d unexpectedSuccesses=%d "
41 "expectedFailures=%d" % (
42 testsRun, errors, skipped, unexpectedSuccesses,
43 expectedFailures))
44 ran = testsRun - skipped
45 print("ratio=%f" % (1 - errors * 1.0 / ran))
46 print('---------------------------------')
47 lines = buffer.getvalue().split('\\n')
48 print("\\n".join(line for line in lines
49 if "skipped 'no matched include pattern'" not in line))
51from .backend import OnnxInferenceBackendMicro
53is_compatible = OnnxInferenceBackendMicro.is_compatible
54prepare = OnnxInferenceBackendMicro.prepare
55run = OnnxInferenceBackendMicro.run_model
56supports_device = OnnxInferenceBackendMicro.supports_device